Dr. John McCreary
<b>Department: </b>Psychological Science<br><b>Research Area: </b>Empathy, Reading, Gender, Educational Equity, neurosciences
Department: Psychological Science
Research Focus: Empathy, Reading, Gender, Educational Equity, neurosciences
Potential Student Project(s):
I'm working on a project that investigates the relationship between reading, gender, and empathy. I have completed one study, and I am preparing to do a followup to 1) further investigate a tie between perspective taking and non-fiction reading, and 2) more deeply consider the role(s) gender may have to play, including with respect to the lgbtqia2s+ community. I have a second project in the early stages regarding productivity in late-life and alternatives to traditional assisted living.
Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:
Someone who is detail-oriented, who may or may not be versed in statistical methods, and is eager to learn..
Mentoring Plan:
I envision a hierarchical structure, with graduate and undergraduate students at different levels but reporting to me. I will mentor these students in research methods, writing techniques, and other aspects of academic life as needed. I have set office hours, but I am always happy to meet with my students outside those times as necessary. The student is expected to work on this project 5 h/week including 1 h/week of 1-on-1 meeting with me.
Contact: (765) 285-1700, NQ 111