Dr. Ava Li
Dr. Ava Li
<b>Department: </b>GEOM<br><b>Research Area: </b>Remote sensing, GIS, data analytics, statistical modeling, programming, enviromental science

Department: Geography and Meteorology 

Research Focus: Remote sensing, GIS, data analytics, statistical modeling, programming, enviromental science


Potential Student Project(s):

The rapid development of satellite and airborne remote sensing technology offers abundant and timely data sources for exploring vegetation dynamics at larger scales. Therefore, we expect to use a robust statistical method to extract vegetation growth phrases, such as leafing, flowering, and senescence. This student project will read and analyze remote sensing data with programming language. 1) Import and read remote sensing data with programming languages. 2) Visualize the remote sensing data with programming languages. 3) Explore how environmental and climate factors impact vegetation dynamics. 4) Detect the vegetation growth phrases, such as leafing, flowering, and senescence, by analyzing changes in vegetation indices over time. 


Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:

- Majors in Natural Resources, Geography, Biology, Data Analytics, and/or related majors

- Passion in environmental science or data science

- Interested in developing programming and data analytics skills

- Willingness to work collaboratively


Mentoring Plan:

- Meet with Dr. Li to establish a weekly research schedule, must work on project 5 hours per week including weekly meeting with Dr. Li

- Meet with Dr. Li for one hour per week to discuss progress and difficulties

- Make a short summary after the mentorship

- I will train you in the necessary skills related to the project like data analytics, programming, and scientific skills in thinking and writing 


Contact: 765-285-1767, CS423