Upcoming Events
9 a.m.
If you aspire to earn a doctorate in psychology, enjoy conducting psychological research, or are interested in being more competitive for entry into the workforce, one of our two-year Master's programs at Ball State University might be the perfect match for you. Please join us to learn more and get an Application Fee waiver!
12 p.m.
The online database RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is an essential source within music research. Yet, because it often provides only titles and summaries for articles (and not full text), utilizing it can be a daunting prospect for beginners. In this 30-minute session, learn all the basics you need to get started using RILM Abstracts in your music research.
1 p.m.
Join us for an opportunity to hear more about how our graduate program can help you meet your goals!
5:30 p.m.
Welcome back! Join ASU at the Multicultural Center for our first meeting of the spring semester. Get free boba, meet new people, and learn more about ASU.
6 p.m.
Red Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "Art Living-Learning Community" under itJoin the Art LLC this New Year on January 13th at 6:00 PM in the design studio to not only create some new goals, but learn how to better our creations. We will have a guest speaker to teach a new skill, as well as cupcakes and sketchbooks for those who might not have them and would love to participate.
6:30 p.m.
Grey Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "CCIM Living-Learning Community" under itStep into the New Year with purpose and passion. Join APM Maddie on Monday, January 13th at 6:30 PM in the Botswin Lobby for an exclusive opportunity to learn the art of reporting from the heart of Ball State's Daily News. Discover the craft of capturing personal, compelling stories and the integrity of reporting the truth. Whether you're a budding journalist or simply eager to explore the world of storytelling, this is your chance to gain firsthand insight and inspiration. Begin your journey toward impactful reporting in a space where curiosity and truth lead the way.
7 p.m.
Start the year right with Man 2 Men with goal setting.
7:30 p.m.
Join the Beyerl Hall Staff to welcome everyone back to the residence hall after semester break - enjoy games, crafts, and a giveaway!
10 a.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
12 p.m.
Interlibrary Loan is your one-stop shop for getting materials we don’t already have here at Ball State University Libraries! With ILL you’ll never run out of sources. We help you borrow books, articles, chapters, music scores, sound and video recordings, theses, dissertations, and more—from libraries all around the world. The best part? It’s almost always FREE!Join one of our upcoming sessions to learn the basics of how to create an account and start requesting items from ILL. We’ll give an overview of the service, demonstrate how to make a request in ILLiad, and provide tips for getting what you need quickly and accurately. There should be plenty of time for Q&A.
2 p.m.
Join us and learn more about the exciting Master of Social Work (MSW) degree at Ball State.
6 p.m.
Maroon Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "STEM Living-Learning Community" under itWelcome back Cardinals in STEM! APM Maddy is hosting Time to Thrive this Spring Semester on January 14th at 6PM in Beyerl's Lobby! Time management is important even as we head into spring semester, so let's keep it up. Snacks will be provided, and the first five people who show up will get a free academic planner!
Ball State University Men's Basketball at Ohio TV: ESPN+ Streaming Video: https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/bbb6c084-de99-4ebd-8e48-7c18671a9f76 Streaming Audio: https://thevarsitynetwork.com/audioapplink/source/oas-1239/content/bsu:allaccess-Live-2031 Location: Athens, Ohio
All Day Event
Second Spring 2025 Semester eBill is available to view Students, Authorized Payers, or Guest Payers may pay the total amount due or minimum payment by the due date. For more information, visit bsu.edu/ebill.
All Day Event
Provides support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions. Work must be accepted for publication or published in a refereed or other scholarly journal. Support can be used for open access, peer-reviewed publications listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or for publication in subscription journals that allow some articles to become available openly based on a published fee schedule (sometimes known as hybrid open access).
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works. The maximum award is $700 for graduate students and $300 for undergraduate/high school students. This competition is limited to invited presentations of papers, posters, creative works, or performances.
All Day Event
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has provided for a second year of funds to award tenure-line faculty members funds to present their research and scholarship at professional regional or national meetings or to perform or exhibit creative works. This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department and cannot be used as research funds. A maximum award of $500 is available per faculty member.
All Day Event
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, these funds provide NTL faculty funding to support activities undertaken to advance their development as scholars, including, but not limited to, workshops or conference travel for excellence in teaching, scholarly presentations/performances, and/or for professional development.
10 a.m.
This session will demonstrate how to prepare an IRB (human subjects research) protocol on the new Cayuse Human Ethics (HE) platform.
10 a.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
12 p.m.
BeneficenceJust because you graduated, doesn't mean you stopped learning. As an alum, you have exclusive access to a range of webinars and online events.
1 p.m.
New to Ball State, Muncie, or want a deeper dive into what the community has to offer? Join us for a community bus tour that will stop at some of Ball State and Muncie's hidden gems.
1 p.m.
Calendar: Working Well
New to Ball State, Muncie, or want a deeper dive into what the community has to offer? Join us for a community bus tour that will stop at some of Ball State and Muncie's hidden gems.
1 p.m.
Join SPA to learn more about the PCard process and how it relates to grant funding.
1 p.m.
Join us for this livestreaming presentation of the University Libraries’ resources and services for online students in the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program. Learn about the databases relevant to your field, best searching practices, and the full range of library resources and services you have access to as an online student. 
3:30 p.m.
David Owsley Museum of Art at Ball State University logoLearn about becoming a volunteer gallery guide at the museum.
4 p.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
4 p.m.
There’s a brand-new mobile-friendly user interface for ERIC, APA PsycInfo, Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and all the other EBSCOhost databases. Get a brief look at the new features and learn how to do the old things you’re used to being able to do.
6 p.m.
Red Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "Education Living-Learning Community" under itJoin APM Courtney, UPD, and school resource officers to talk about classroom saftey and emergency situations on January 15th at 6 pm in the North West MPR. Have concerns? Scared about school saftey? Come watch the presentation, ask questions, and leave with a self care goodie bag!
Ball State University Women's Basketball at Kent State University Streaming Audio: https://thevarsitynetwork.com/audioapplink/source/oas-1239/content/bsu:allaccess-Live-2032 Location: Kent, OH
7:30 a.m.
2025 Indiana Economic OutlookWe are pleased to invite you to the 2025 Indiana Economic Outlook, our annual premier event featuring esteemed keynote speaker David E. Altig, PhD, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. A comprehensive local and state economic forecast presented by Michael J. Hicks, the director of the Center for Business and Economic Research will be included, as well as a Q&A session where you can ask questions of our speakers.
9:30 a.m.
This workshop provides faculty with strategies and tools to facilitate classroom discussions that promote inclusion, respect for diverse perspectives, and critical thinking.
10 a.m.
Join the College of Architecture and Planning for an on-line information session to learn more about the 2-year or 3-year M.Arch program!
10 a.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
12 p.m.
Dr. Richard J. Petts will discuss his recent book titled: "Father Involvement and Gender Equality in the United States: Contemporary Norms and Barriers". The book provides an overview of fatherhood in the United States today to explore why fathers continue to be less involved in childcare than mothers and to strategize about how we can work toward encouraging and promoting greater father involvement. In doing so, this book provides a unique and important contribution to our understanding of the culture of fatherhood in the U.S., and the implications of father involvement for gender equality, through the use of quantitative survey data and interviews with fathers.
2 p.m.
Connecting your students to course resources has never been easier! Ball State University Libraries' Reading Lists application, now featuring a new, easier-to-use interface, gives students simple access to course reserve materials—full-text articles, e-books, Open Educational Resources, streaming music and video, and more. Library staff work behind the scenes to add and activate the resources that instructors select. The best part? The Reading Lists app connects directly with your Canvas course navigation menu. We received a number of positive comments from instructors who have utilized Reading Lists to provide affordable course materials to students taking on-campus and virtual courses. Join one of our upcoming online sessions for an overview of how Reading Lists can enhance your teaching.
2 p.m.
Welcome to Inclusive Excellence 101, an introduction to inclusive excellence. Participants will be introduced to the Inclusive Excellence National framework shared by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U).
5:30 p.m.
Grey Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "Honors Living-Learning Community" under itWant to make your vision for this semester a reality? Come Envision Your Semester with the Honors LLC, on Thursday, January 16, in the DeHority Exhibition Hall at 5:30 pm. Join APM Nell in making vision boards and drinking hot chocolate! This is also a chance to receive Makerspace training if you have not already!
6 p.m.
MICHIANA EVENTJoin us for an evening of wine tasting and networking!
6 p.m.
Grey Background with Ball State Beneficence Logo and "Social Sciences Living-Learning Community" under itOn Thursday, January 16th from 6:00-7:30 PM, join APM Colin in a life-sized Game of LIFE! Explore potential career paths and put your problem solving skills to the test. Free pizza will be provided and prizes will be given out to lucky participants.
7 p.m.
Ball State University Men's Volleyball vs Brigham Young University - Decades Night Streaming Video: https://www.espn.com/search/_/q/ball state/o/watch/appearance/dark Location: Muncie, IN
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. | Pruis Hall
10 a.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.