Below is a list of the Applied Anthropology Laboratories' Report of Investigations series. The most recent reports are listed first. Several of the reports are linked to an abstract. A few reports are available in Adobe PDF format.

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109. Historic Homestead Survey of Versailles State Park, Ripley County, Indiana. By Christina Hahn, Connor McCoy, Sean Coughlin, Dana Northam, Joel Sharp, Lindsey Cron, Christine Thompson, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2019. Volume 1

108. An Archaeological Survey of Wilbur Wright Fish and Wildlife Area. By Cecilia M. Szmutko, Christina Hahn, Sean Coughlin, Kelli Wathen, Kevin C. Nolan, and Christine Thompson. May 2019. Volume 1

107. An Archaeological Survey of Calvert and Porter Woods Nature Preserve. By Kelli Wathen, Christina Hahn, Sean Coughlin, Kevin C. Nolan, and Christine Thompson. June 2019. Volume 1

106. Phase I Archaeological and Geophysical Survey and Ground-truth testing for proposed Saugatuck Marina and Laydown Area, Allegan County, Michigan. By Matthew P. Purtill, Kevin C. Nolan, Chyan Gilaspy, Charity Munro, and Kaylee Ellrod. July 2018

105. Scale and Community in Hopewell Networks at Fort Ancient and Newark Earthworks: an expansion study. By Eric Olson, Kevin C. Nolan, and Michael J. Shott. June 2018 

103. An Archaeological Survey of Fulton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region. By: Cecilia M. Szmutko, Lindsey Cron, Tyler Reinholt, Matthew P. Purtill, Kevin C. Nolan, and Christine Thompson. June 2018. Volume 1

102. Results of 2016 Archaeological Excavations and Ground Penetrating Radar Survey at Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio. By Bryan Mitchell, Mark Groover, and Christine Thompson. April 2017

101. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Solarium Augusti, Rome, Italy. By: Kevin C. Nolan. September 2016

100. LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Prehistoric Copper Artifacts from the McQueen Shell Ring, St. Catherine’s Island, Georgia. By: Mark A. Hill. July 2016.

99. An Archaeological Survey of Benton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part II. By Amanda Balough, Christine Thompson, Matthew P. Purtill, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2017. Volume 1

98. An Archaeological Survey of Newton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part III. By Abby L. Clark, Christine Thompson, Matthew P. Purtill, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2017. Volume 1

96. Scale and Community in Hopewell Networks (SCHoN): A Summary of Preliminary Results. By Kevin C. Nolan, Mark A. Hill, Mark F. Seeman, Eric C. Olson, Emily N. Butcher, Sneha Chavali and Nora Hillard. July 2016. Volume 1

95. The Battles of Fort Recovery: Wayside Exhibits Planning and Design. By Christine Thompson, Kevin Nolan, Kristin Barry, and Lisa Hensell. November 2017. 

94. The Battle of the Wabash and the Battle of Fort Recovery: Mapping the Battlefield Landscape and Present Day Fort Recovery, Ohio. By Christine K. Thompson, Erin A. Steinwachs, and Kevin C. Nolan. March 2016. Volume 1

93. An Archaeological Survey of Benton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region. By Amanda Balough, Christine Thompson, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2016. Volume 1

92. An Archaeological Survey of Newton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part II. By: Jamie M. Leeuwrik, Christine Thompson, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2016. Volume 1

91. Preservation Plan for the Battles of Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio: Planning for the Future. By Christine Thompson, Nick Nelson, and Shelbi Long. August 2016. Volume 1 

90. Archeology of the Battles of Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio: A Deeper Understanding. By: Christine K. Thompson, Kevin C. Nolan, and Erin I. Donovan. October 2015. Volume 1

88. An Archaeological Survey of Newton County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region. By Jamie M. Leeuwrik, Christine Thompson, Shelbi Long, Kevin C. Nolan and Erin Steinwachs. May 2015. Volume 1- 167 pp., Volume 2

87. An Archaeological Survey of Jasper County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region. By Colin L. Macleod, Christina Thompson, Shelbi Long, Erin Steinwachs, and Kevin C. Nolan. May 2015. Volume 1- 159 pp., Volume 2
86. The Battles of Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio: Technical Battlefield Report By: Christine K. Thompson and Nick Nelson. March 2016.
85. A Rapid and Inexpensive Method for Investigating Community Structure in the Southwestern Lake Erie Basin: A Pilot Study. By Kevin C. Nolan, Brian G. Redmond, and Christina R. Spielbauer. 2014. Volume 1
83. Investigation of Fort Ancient Settlement and Community Patterns: An Archaeological Survey of Dearborn County,Indiana. By Matthew R. Swihart and Kevin C. Nolan. Edited by Kevin C. Nolan. April 2014. Volume 1
82. Distributional Analysis of Archaeological Remains in the Upper White River Basin: An Archaeological Survey of Hamilton County, Indiana. By Matthew R. Swihart and Kevin C. Nolan. Compiled and Edited by Kevin C. Nolan. June 2013. Volume 1, Volume 2
81. An Archaeological Survey of Montgomery County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part II. By Colin L. Macleod and Erin Donovan. Edited by Christine Thompson. May 2014. Volume 1, Volume 2.
80. A Distributional Archaeological Survey of the Southern Portion of Blackford County. By Joseph R. Miller. Edited by Christine Keller. May 2013. Volume 1., Volume 2.
79. A Survey of Blackford County: A Data Enhancement Project. By Joseph R. Miller, Victoria Kiefer, and Kristin Kjeldsen, Edited by Christine Keller. 2012
78. Archeology of the Battles of Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio: Education and Protection. By Christine Keller, Colleen Boyd, Mark Groover, Mark Hill. 2011
77. A Survey of Montgomery County: A Data Enhancement Project. By Emily Murray, Jessie Moore and Victoria Keifer. 2011, Volume 1 - 185 pp., Volume 2
72. Archaeological Investigations of the Yorktown Enclosure (12-Dl-39), Delaware County, Indiana. By Beth K. McCord and Donald R. Cochran, 2007
71. A Profile of Till Plain Archaeology: A Survey of Hancock County, Indiana. By Beth K. McCord with sections by Donald R. Cochran, Jamie Meece, and Jutta Vogelbacher, 2007, Volume 1, Volume 2
67. The Fudge Site: A New Look at an Ancient Monument, Randolph County, Indiana. By Beth K. McCord with sections by Donald R. Cochran, 2006
65. Investigation in the Upper White River Drainage: The Albee Phase and Late Woodland/Prehistoric Settlement. By Beth K. McCord with contributions by Leslie L. Bush, Donald R. Cochran, Alison Hadley, and Tanya Peres, 2005, Volume 1., Volume 2
63. Archaeological Testing of Site 12SW327: SR 129 Rehabilitation, INDOT Project #STP-3378(), Des #950290, Switzerland County, Indiana. By Blake Cochran, R. Ezra Erb, Beth McCord, Kimberly Nagle, and Kim Zunker, 2002
61. The Archaeology of Anderson Mounds, Mounds State Park, Anderson, Indiana. By Donald R. Cochran and Beth K. McCord, 2001
60. Test Excavations at the Celina Shelter, 12-Pe-1023, Perry County, Indiana. By Kimberly Nagle and Donald R. Cochran, 2001
59. Excavation at the Former Location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House, Huntington, Indiana. By Mitch Zoll, Kari Carmany, Rebecca Sick, and Kimberly Zunker, 2000
54. New Castle Site Revisited. By Beth McCord, 1999
44. McCulloughs Run: A Bifurcate Tradition Cemetery in Central Indiana. By Donald Cochran, Paige Waldron, Ron Richards, Beth McCord, and Debbie Rotman, 1998.
43. Woodland Sites in East Central Indiana: A Survey and Evaluation. By Beth McCord and Donald Cochran, 1996
42. Mitigating Damage at the Haag Site. By Donald Cochran, Michael Angst, and Beth McCord, 1995
41. An Archaeological Survey of Dearborn County, Indiana. By Cindy Parish and Beth Kolbe McCord, 1995
40. An Archaeological Survey of Fayette County. By Michael Angst, 1994
39. The Gronauer Locke #2. By Cindy Parish, 1992
38. Morell-Sheets: An Albee Phase Habitation. By Beth Kolbe McCord and Donald Cochran, 1994
36. Historic and Prehistoric Contexts in the Tipton Till Plain. By Donald Cree, Randy Gaw, Gerald Waite, Lisa Paylo, and Donald Cochran, 1994
34. 1988 Excavation at Mounds State Park. By Beth Kolbe, 1992
33. Records Management Project for Whitley and Kosciusko Counties. By Kris Richey, 1988
32. A Reconnaissance Level Survey of the Valley Corridor of the Upper West Fork of the White River in Madison County, Indiana. By Diana Conover, 1988
31. An Archaeological Database Enhancement Project: A Survey of Hamilton and Marion Counties, Indiana. By Donald Cree, 1991
30. Relocation of US Highway 24, Wabash/Huntington Counties, Indiana. By Mitch Zoll, Donald Cochran, and Beth Cree, 1991
29. Independence: A Multicomponent Site in the Middle Wabash Drainage. By Beth Cree and Donald Cochran, with sections by Maryann Doerr, Dallas Evans, and Rob Mann, 1991
28. U.S. 24 Bypass, Wabash/Huntington Counties, Indiana. By Mitch Zoll, 1989
27. Excavations at the William Conner House: A 19th Century Rural Residence in Hamilton County, Indiana. By William Huser Jr. and Rob Mann, 1991
26. Excavations at the Richardville/LaFontaine House. By Donald Cochran, with Appendices by Larry Stillwell, Don Cree, and Dallas Evans, 1990
25. Historic Sites from the General Land Office Surveys: An Indiana Survey. By Lisa Maust and Donald Cochran, 1989
24. The Hesher Site: A Late Albee Cemetery in East Central Indiana. By Donald Cochran, with sections by Lisa Maust, Eric Filkins, Mitch Zoll, Sharon Staley, and Ronald Richards, 1988
23. 1987 Excavations at Mounds State Park. By Donald Cochran, 1988
22. The Archaeological Resources of the Maumee River Valley, Allen County, Indiana. By James Mohow, 1987
21. Archaeological Investigations of the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway. By Frank Burkett and Ronald Hicks, 1986
20. Interim Report: 1985 Excavations at the All Seasons Site. By Donald Cochran, 1986
19. Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic in the Upper Wabash Drainage. By Jeffrey Holstein and Donald Cochran, 1986
18. An Archaeological Survey of Jay County, Indiana. By Mary Lou James and Donald Cochran, 1985
17. Archaeological Investigations at the Peru Industrial Park. By Frank Burkett, Diana Conover, and Donald Cochran, 1984
16. Miami Occupation of the Upper Wabash Drainage: A Preliminary Study Unit. By William Wepler, 1984
15. An Archaeological Survey on the Wabash Moraine: A Study of Prehistoric Site and Artifact Density in the Upper Wabash Drainage. By Donald Cochran and Jeanette Buehrig, 1985
14. The Commissary Site Revisited. By Frank Burkett and Donald Cochran, 1984
13. An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Wabash River Valley. By Donald Cochran and Edmond Anuszczyk, 1984.
12. The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage with Emphasis on the Woodland Period. By P. Ranel Stephenson with sections by Donald Cochran, Lorna Gentry Laymon, and Diana Conover, 1984
11. A Review and Update of Archaeological Records for Blackford, Jay, Randolph, and Henry Counties, Indiana. By William Wepler, Emme Bill, Diana Conover, and Debbie Leffler, 1982
10. An Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact. By William Wepler and Donald Cochran, 1983
9. An Archaeological Survey of the Huntington Lake Shoreline. By William Wepler and Donald Cochran, 1983
8. An Archaeological Survey of the Newport Army Ammunition Plant, Vermillion County, Indiana: Predicting the Archaeological Potential of an Upland Forest- Prairie Edge in West Central Indiana. By William Reseigh, 1982
7. An Archaeological Survey of the Salamonie Reservoir. By William Wepler and Donald Cochran, 1982
6. A Comprehensive Survey of the Archaeological Resources of Mounds State Park, Anderson, Indiana,, with a Proposed Management Plan. By Jeanette E. Buehrig and Ronald Hicks, 1982
5. Final Report on the 1980-81 Mississinewa Reservoir Survey. By William Wepler, 1982
4. An Archaeological Assessment of Fox Island County Park, Allen County, Indiana. By Donald Cochran, 1980
2. Historic Delaware Villages in Indiana. By William Wepler, 1980
1. Final Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance and Test Excavation, Mounds State Park, Madison County, Indiana. By Ronald Hicks, William Wepler, and Donald Cochran, 1981