By: Christine K. Thompson, Kevin C. Nolan, and Erin I. Donovan
Principal Investigators: Christine K. Thompson and Kevin C. Nolan 
Reports of Investigation 90 Volume 1, Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University


The purpose of this project was to conduct additional systematic archeological investigations at the location of the Battle of the Wabash (1791), a pivotal battle and Native American victory in the Northwest Indian Wars.  We investigated the northwest boundaries of the battlefield in addition to unsurveyed parcels of outlying agricultural land by means of metal detector and pedestrian surveys. All land investigated during this project was previously un-surveyed and within the boundaries of the proposed expanded battlefield area as outlined in the 2010 American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) report, grant # GA-2255-10-002 (Keller et al. 2011).  These new survey areas correspond to the location where the Native Americans would have formed their crescent battle formation prior to confronting St. Clair’s army and covers areas corresponding to the Native American’s least visible paths of approach. These paths, as identified by KOCOA analysis and GIS data modeling in the 2010 ABPP grant report (Keller et al. 2011), are based on the level of cover and concealment they provided to the Native Americans as they surrounded St. Clair’s army. Investigations into these areas increased our knowledge of Native American battle strategy and the results were used to update existing GIS models of the battle. These research findings will continue to be part of an on-going educational process at the Fort Recovery State