By: Michael G. Angst
Report of Investigation 40. Archaeological Resources Management Service, Ball State University. 


An archaeological survey of Fayette County, Indiana, was conducted under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. The reconnaissance covered 747.3 acres by systematic survey.

Prior to the survey, only 102 sites were on record in Fayette County. The systematic survey, collector interviews and background research identified 275 new sites. A total of 252 sites were identified through the systematic survey, while 23 sites were identified through collector interviews, background research and non-systematic field survey. A total of 4081 prehistoric and 13 historic artifacts were recovered. Site density for Fayette County was compiled from systematic survey of the county and sites not found in conjunction with the systematic survey were not included. Overall site density for Fayette County is 1 site per 2.97 acres with an average of 15.66 artifacts per site and 5.28 artifacts per acre. Site densities for the Dearborn Upland were also compiled with an overall site density of 1 site per 2.64 acres.