By: Donald W. Cree, Randy Gaw, Gerald Waite, Lisa Palyo and Donald R. Cochran
Prepared for the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Report of Investigations 36. Archaeological Resources Management Service, Ball State University.
The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) proposed a data enhancement project for Delaware County, Indiana to explore prehistoric settlement, historic Delaware Indian settlement and historic industrial sites in the Tipton Till Plain region of Indiana. Prehistoric settlement would be investigated through a review of past projects and an assessment of previously recorded site densities. These would be tested against a survey to be conducted in Delaware County. Historic Delaware settlement of the region would be investigated through a field survey focused on locating villages recorded in Delaware County. Industrial sites were to be investigated through literature reviews and surveys to late mill, oil and gas and ceramic sites in the county. A total of 851 acres of land were surveyed during the project and 520 new sites were recorded.