By: Matthew P. Purtill, Kevin C. Nolan, Chyan Gilaspy, Charity Munro, and Kaylee Ellrod
Principal Investigator: Matthew P. Purtill
Reports of Investigation 106, Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University


This technical report provides the results of a Phase I archaeological investigation for the proposed construction of a new marina (Marina) and laydown (Laydown) areas located near Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan (Figure 1). At the request of Northshores of Saugatuck, LLC (Northshores), Phase I archaeological survey was conducted by staff of the Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL), Ball State University, Indiana. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Detroit District is the lead federal agency for the project. The proposed project includes two areas where ground disturbance will occur including the Marina and Laydown areas. Archaeological survey for the Marina included 55,846.6 m2 (13.8 acres) of land, although the area of actual disturbance for construction will be limited to 35,475 m2 (8.8 acres). The Laydown area includes 16,374 m2 (4.046 acres) of land to be used for disposal of spoils generated during construction of the new Marina. Survey of these parcels were conducted in a staged approach and included consultation with both the USACE and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concerning field methodologies and level of effort. In total, field methods included shovel testing, bucket augering, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and ground truthing of GPR results with a backhoe and bucket auger