By: Christine Keller, Colleen Boyd, Mark Groover, and Mark Hill
Edited by Christine Keller and Eliot Reed
Principal Investigators: Mark A. Hill with Christine Thompson, Mark Groover, and Cailin Murray
A Cooperative Project with the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program
Reports of Investigation 78, Applied Archaeology Laboratories, Ball State University
PDF of Report
New Discoveries at Fort Recovery (Video)
The purpose of this project was to 1) delineate more clearly and accurately the boundaries of the Battle of the Wabash (1791) and the Battle of Fort Recovery (1794) and 2) through public education and involvement, to diminish threats to the battlefields. The project began with a thorough review of historic sources, collector interviews and oral traditions. The KOCOA (Key terrain, Observation and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Avenue of approach and retreat) methodology was used to analyze battlefield terrain. The primary field methods included geophysical surveys consisting of metal detector, magnetometer, resistivity and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) used student and volunteer assistance in both the field and lab work. Limited field excavation took place based on the results of the background research, KOCOA analysis, and geophysical results. All data was used to construct a GIS model of the battlefields. Completed maps and brochures featuring newly discovered information will be available to the public via the Fort Recovery State Museum. Public education will continue with preservation-focused presentations at the museum.