Dr. Cathy Siebert
<b>Department: </b>Educational Studies<br><b>Research Area: </b>To identify better ways to support preservice teacher development<br>
Department: Educational Psychology
Research Focus: My current research focuses on three distinct, but interrelated, projects and each of these initiatives are being conducted collaboratively with both BSU colleagues and colleagues at other teacher preparation universities in Indiana, Michigan, and West Virginia. The projects are all connected in that they all seek to identify better ways to support preservice teacher development. One project focuses on university field supervision provided to student teachers, another project focuses on collaborating with secondary teachers to support field experiences for our practicum preservice teachers, and the last project focuses on identifying how inservice P12 teachers plan in practice. All projects are primarily qualitative in nature, although quantitative methodologies may be incorporated as deemed appropriate as the research agendas progress.
Potential Student Project(s):
All three projects are at various stages in the research process. Thus the student can have some voice and choice in the types of activities in which they engage. Potential activities include:
- conducting literature reviews
- participating in brainstorming sessions
- reviewing IRB applications
- conducting interviews (most likely via Zoom)
- facilitating data collection through an on-line survey
- collaboratively analyzing data
No matter what activities in which the student elects to engage, it will be with the guidance and support of myself as well as other researchers involved in the various projects.
Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:
The following are required attributes/skills:
- self-motivated
- dependable
- organized
- good communication skills
- ability to maintain confidentiality
The following are desired attributes/skills:
- an interest in secondary (grades 6-12) public education
- an interest in qualitative research
In addition, the student will need to complete:
- CITI certification (online)
- Background check (per the university's Unaccompanied Minors policy)
- EDURisk video training (online)
Mentoring Plan: The student will meet with me at the beginning of the semester to review the projects underway and to discuss what they would find most interesting or useful for their purposes. Once it has been determined what the student will focus on, a plan of action will be developed including specific tasks, deliverables, and deadlines. Regular 30-60 minute weekly meetings will be scheduled and will occur either f2f or virtually. Depending on the tasks for which the student expresses interest, I will provide either direct instruction or connect the student with resources to help acquire the knowledge or skills necessary to complete the task.
Contact: 765-730-1616, Teachers College 819