Dr. Seongmi Lim
Dr. Seongmi Lim
<b>Department: </b>Early Childhood, Youth, and Family Studies<br><b>Research Area: </b>Early childhood teacher professional development, documentation, Reggio Emilia approach, technology integration, play

Department: Early Childhood, Youth, and Family Studies

Research Focus: Early childhood teacher professional development, documentation, Reggio Emilia approach, technology integration, play

Potential Student Project(s):

Make Children's Learning Visible
Documentation makes children’s learning visible because it often involves text and images, even video clips, if documentation is delivered through technology. In order to make learning visible, teachers need to observe children carefully. Because young children engage in learning through play. From observation date (observation notes, pictures, and children' artifacts) teachers analyze and interpret children's learning, and make documentation entries or panels to show their learning with evidences. Teacher scholar students will observe children in their play, and find out their theories and ideas. From these data students will create documentation that include children's works, words, pictures, and interpretations.


Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:

  • any experiences with young children
  • any majors related to teaching or young children
  • observation skills


Mentoring Plan:

The student researcher will work 5 h/week on the project including a 1-on-1 interaction with me for least 1 hour/week.  Students are expected to go to Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center for observing children's play at every week (at least 2 hours).  After obtaining observation data they should create documentation entries include children's works, pictures, words, and students' interpretations. With this draft of documentation students and I will have a meeting to complete this documentation and plan for the next observation.

Contact: 765-285-5568, TC 613