Juyeon Yoo
Juyeon Yoo
Assistant Professor of English
Curriculum Vitae


Room:RB 334

Dr. Juyeon Yoo is an Assistant Professor in TESOL and Linguistics in the Department of English at Ball State University (BSU). Originally from South Korea, she has a diverse educational background spanning multiple countries, including the UK, the US, Singapore, and her home country. This background has enriched her perspectives as an applied linguist and educator.

She also has extensive teaching experience, helping multilingual students learn English in the US, Asia, and Europe, as well as working with K-12 pre-service and in-service teachers in the US. Her effectiveness and excellence in teaching were acknowledged through her attainment of the Graduate Associate Teaching Award at The Ohio State University. At BSU, she teaches undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in applied linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), including ENG 437 (TESOL Methods) and ENG 601 (Research in English Studies).

Dr. Yoo’s research encompasses second language writing, reading-writing connections, academic literacy, identity negotiation, investment, and TESOL. Her primary interest is synthesis writing, where she examines how students synthesize and incorporate information from multiple sources into their writing (e.g., argumentative essays and literature reviews). She is also deeply committed to equity and diversity work, as demonstrated by her receipt of the 2022 Racial Justice Grant. In addition, Dr. Yoo has recently been awarded an Alpha Support Research Grant to support her project “The Possibility of Healing After Racial Marginalization and the Investment of English Learning” in 2023-2024.

Her scholarly work has been published in various reputable journals and publications, including the Journal of Language, Identity & Education, Phonetics and Speech Sciences, Routledge, and IGI Global. She has a proven track record of securing several research grants and funding from multiple institutions as well as invited presentations.

Professional Experience


Ball State University (Fall 2023–Present)



The Ohio State University, 2023 (USA)


Seoul National University, 2017 (South Korea)


University College London (UCL), 2014 (UK)

Areas of Expertise

  • Second language writing
  • Reading-writing connections
  • Literacy and TESOL education
  • Identity negotiation
  • Investment in language learning
  • Racial justice for marginalized language learners

Selected Research and Publications

  • Yoo, J. (2023, Online first). “This did not feel like other people’s business!”: The role of linguistic and racial marginalization in hindering motivation and investment. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2022.2163397
  • Yoo, J. (2023). Negotiating my scholar identity: Jumping through hoops and hurdles. In B. Yazan, E.Trinh, and L. Pentón Herrera (Eds.), Doctoral students’ identities and emotional wellbeing in applied linguistics: Autoethnographic accounts (pp. 48-64). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003305934
  • Yoo, J. (2022). Crossing the borders of four countries: L2 Learning and identity negotiation trajectories. In E. Hancı-Azizoglu, S. Sahinkarakas, and D. Tannacito (Eds.), Autoethnographic perspectives on multilingual life stories (pp. 293–309). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3738-4.ch019
  • Kang, S., Yoo, J., & Ahn, H. (2020). A meta-analysis study on oral feedback effect between ESL and EFL contexts. The Mirae Journal of English Language and Literature, 25(1), 499–528. https://doi.org/10.46449/MJELL.2020.
  • Yoo, J., & Kang, S. (2016). The effect of L2 experience on perception of Korean nasals. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 8(4), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.13064/KSSS.2016.8.4.063

Manuscripts in Preparation

  • Yoo. J., & Yi., Y. (in progress). Overall composing process of synthesis writing: The Role of Identity and Multimodality. Manuscript in preparation for the Journal of English for Academic Purposes.   
  • Yoo. J. (in progress) Two recent decades of L2 synthesis writing scholarship (2002–2022): A research synthesis. Manuscript in preparation for RELC.   
  • Yoo, J. (in progress). Transformative L2 writing teacher identity at the nexus of researcher identity over 3.5 years: Autoethnographic approach. Manuscript in preparation for Teaching in Higher Education.

Recent publications can be found on her personal website.



Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Language and Society 220 1 1400 - 1515 T R WB, room 306
Professionalism & SJ 633 800 0000 - 0000
Professionalism & SJ 633 801 0000 - 0000