Kathryn S Gardiner
Kathryn S Gardiner
Assistant Teaching Professor of English
Curriculum Vitae


Room:RB 277

Kathryn S. Gardiner was born and raised in Muncie, Ind., where she grew up as the little sister of three biological brothers and eleven foreign-exchange student siblings from Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Chile, and Argentina. She earned her MFA in screenwriting from Hollins University in Roanoke, Va.

While living in Bloomington, Ind., she worked as a magazine editor and competed in the cage as an amateur mixed martial artist. In 2015, she returned to Muncie to teach screenwriting and creative writing at Ball State. Her feature-length screenplays have placed in the quarterfinals of the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting and semifinals of Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition. In 2022, she won a spot at the Cinestory Feature Retreat and Fellowship Contest in Idyllwild, Calif.

Since 2017, she has also been a columnist for the League of Women Voters in Delaware County, for which she created a monthly series. In Forgotten Foremothers, she profiles women of color, queer women, trans women, fat women, disabled women, and other female-identified individuals who are routinely left out of popular accounts of social justice work.

In 2020, she fell in love with Chinese dramas (namely The Untamed—她很喜欢蓝忘机!) and has been studying Chinese at Ball State since. 她喜欢中国文化和中国电视。 虽然中文很难,但是她觉得很漂亮。

Professional Experience

Assistant Teaching Professor of English

2015 – present

Special Products Coordinator

The Herald-Times, Bloomington, Ind.
2007 – 2015


M.F.A. in Screenwriting

Hollins University, 2007

B.A. from College of Communication, Information and Media

Ball State University, 2001

Curriculum Vitae

Download CV (PDF)

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Intro to Creative Wr 285 01 0930 - 1045 T R RB, room 291
Intro to Creative Wr 285 06 1000 - 1050 M W F RB, room 290B
Intro to Creative Wr 285 08 0900 - 0950 M W F RB, room 290B
Screenwriting 310 3 1100 - 1215 T R RB, room 291
Special Topics in Fi 357 1 1400 - 1515 T R LB, room 121