Adam Beach
Adam Beach
Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of English
Curriculum Vitae


Room:WQ 203

Dr. Beach’s research and teaching revolves around the issues of nationalism, colonialism and slavery in the literature of the long eighteenth century in England, with a particular emphasis on the Restoration and early eighteenth century periods. Most recently, he has written about literature related to the failed seventeenth-century English colony in Tangier, Morocco and about British writings on slavery in the non-British world. His current research focuses on British depictions of slavery in North Africa and the Mediterranean, on the fate of African and European slaves in the region, and on the best ways to think about comparative slave institutions in the early modern world. In addition to teaching courses on these subjects and on literary theory, he also enjoys offering classes on narratives about deserted islands in Anglo-American literature and on post-colonial and feminist rewritings of canonical British literature.

Professional Experience

Dean of the Graduate School

March 2018-present

Interim Dean of the Graduate School

July 2017-February 2018

English Department Chair

July 2014-June 2017

English Department Assistant Chair

July 2009-June 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Download CV (PDF) 


Ph.D. in English, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2000

M.A. in English, Ohio State University, 1996

B.A., Summa Cum Laude in English & History, Adrian College, Adrian, MI, 1994

Recent Publications

  • “Trauma, Psychological Coercion, and Slaves Who Love Their Masters: The Case of William Okeley.” In Early Modern Trauma: Europe and the Atlantic World. Eds. Erin Peters and Cynthia Richards. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2021. 227-47.
  • "Aubin's The Noble Slaves, Montagu's Spanish Lady, and English Feminist Writing about Sexual Slavery in the Ottoman World." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 29 (2017): 583-606.
  • “Literary Form and the Representation of Slavery in Dryden’s Don Sebastian.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 44 (2015): 101-120.
  • Invoking Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Imagination. Eds. Srividhya Swaminathan and Adam R. Beach. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013.
  • “The Good-Treatment Debate, Comparative Slave Studies, and the ‘Adventures’ of T.S..” In Invoking Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Imagination. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. 21-36.
  • “Black African Slaves, English Slave Narratives, and Early Modern Morocco.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 46 (2013): 333-348.