Jennifer Grouling Snider
Jennifer Grouling Snider
Professor of English
Curriculum Vitae


Room:RB 280

Jennifer Grouling has been at Ball State since Fall 2011 and has served in multiple roles, including Director of the Writing Program. Her most recent book Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography examines the adaptation of the AAC&U VALUE rubric for Written Communication at two small universities. She has also published work on general education assessment, teacher response, and TA prep in journals such as The Journal of Writing Assessment, The Journal of Response to Writing, and Composition Forum. Jennifer also writes about games, particularly tabletop role-playing games. This work began with her 2010 book The Creation of Narrative in Tabletop Role-Playing Game and has recently been expanded in her co-edited collection Roleplaying in the Digital Age: Transmedia Storytelling, Tabletop RPGs and Fandom. She frequently teaches graduate courses in teacher preparation and writing pedagogy and a senior seminar on gaming and narrative. For more information about Jennifer, visit her website.

Professional Experience

Associate Professor. Fall 2018-present.

Assistant Professor. Fall 2011-Spring 2018.

Administrative Positions

Director of the Writing Program. Spring 2018-Spring 2023.

Director of the Writing Center. Fall 2011-Fall 2014.


Ph.D. English, Rhetoric and Writing

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. May 2011.

M.A. English, Rhetoric and Composition

North Carolina State University, Raleigh. May 2005.

B.S. English Education

University of South Dakota, Vermillion. May 1998.



Grouling, J. (2022). Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography. Perspectives on Writing Series, WAC Clearinghouse.

Hedge, S. & Grouling, J. (co-editors) (2021). Roleplaying in the Digital Age: Transmedia Storytelling, Tabletop RPGs and Fandom. McFarland & Company, Inc.

Cover, J.G. (2010). The Creation of Tabletop Role-Playing Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.


Grouling, J. (2023, Jan-Feb). Better faculty relations through assessment. Assessment Update 35(1), 7,12-13.

Grouling, J. (2018). Training writing teachers: An assignment in mapping writing program values. Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments 2(1).

Grouling, J. (2018). The genre of teacher comments from hard-copy to iPad. Journal of Response to Writing, 4(1).

Grouling, J. (2017). The path to competency-based certification: A look at the LEAP Challenge and the VALUE Rubric for Written Communication. Journal of Writing Assessment, 10(1).

Grouling, J. & Buck, E. (2017). Colleagues, classmates, and friends: Graduate v. undergraduate tutor identities and professionalization. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, 14(2).

Grouling, J. & Grutsch McKinney, J. (2016). If you build it, will they come? Degrees of multimodality in writing center users' texts. Computers and Composition, 41.

Grouling, J. (2015). Resistance and identity formation: The journey of the graduate student-teacher. Composition Forum 32.


Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Dissertation Prepara 701 301 0000 - 0000
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 301 0000 - 0000
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 303 0000 - 0000
Rhetoric and Writing 103 802 0000 - 0000
Rhetoric and Writing 103 803 0000 - 0000
Rhetoric of Health & 350 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE