Living in the University Apartments can be one of the best living arrangements at Ball State University. We offer various services to make your time spent in University Apartments a memorable one.

When temperatures rise outside, we want to help you keep cool inside. Air-conditioning is provided in all Anthony Apartments. In Scheidler, air-conditioning has been updated in many units. In apartments where renovations have not yet happened, window units are allowed. You may have one installed without charge by submitting a work order online to our office.

For one and two-bedroom Scheidler apartment units without AC , one air conditioner is permitted per apartment. In three-bedroom apartments, two window units are permitted. You and your physician can document a medical need for a second air conditioner by completing and submitting the required paperwork to the Housing and Residence Life Office. 

We ask that you provide your own air-conditioning unit(s). Please follow the guidelines below for size specifications, installation, and maintenance.


Air conditioners must measure no more than 16 inches in height and be wired for 110/120V electricity. They should also measure at least 16 inches in depth (from the front to the back of the unit). Please review the window sizes in specific apartments. Suitcase air conditioners, other portable air conditioners, and air conditioners with a center drain are not permitted and will not be installed.


Air conditioners must be installed by the University Apartments maintenance staff. If you choose to attempt installation on your own, a charge will be assessed for unauthorized installation, plus any damage caused by improper installation.

Air conditioners are normally only installed from approximately mid-May to late September. We will install your unit as quickly as possible after you submit your request to our office. During certain times of the summer (when the temperatures are high or during heavy move-in times), a backlog of requests could delay installation. Weather could also cause a delay.

We ask that you don't schedule a time for installation because that can cause lengthy delays. Phone calls to residents prior to installation are not possible. If you wish to be present for the installation, you need to list at least four-hour blocks of time on several different days when you will be available. Please be aware that when there is a backlog of requests, appointments are very difficult to arrange.

If our maintenance staff visits your apartment two separate times and cannot enter, your request will be passed over and returned to the University Apartments office. It is impossible to make assurances as to when the installation will occur.

Your air conditioner must be placed next to the window where you want it to be installed. If it’s new, the unit must be removed from the box and any required assembly completed. Due to liability reasons, our maintenance staff cannot move the air conditioner from one floor to another or remove it from a vehicle. Failure to have the unit in the proper place when the maintenance staff arrives will result in a delay of your installation and/or removal of your installation request.


Personal air conditioners need to be removed by University Apartments maintenance staff. We suggest you submit a work order at least two weeks prior to the date you are leaving to request removal. Often they are removed just before your move-out date unless you request otherwise. Be aware that weather conditions (rain, snow, ice, etc.) can cause a delay in removal. Maintenance will only remove the a/c and set it on the floor of the room it is in; They will not move it to another room, up or down stairs, or to any other apartment. There is no charge for removal. If you are disposing of your air conditioner, DO NOT put it in the dumpster. Place old air conditioners behind the office building. We will have it properly disposed of to prevent Freon from leaking and contaminating the atmosphere.

Proper Maintenance

After your air conditioner is installed, you need to periodically check and clean the filter in the unit. The filter keeps the air conditioner clean inside and working properly. A dirty filter can cause the unit to freeze up and/or drain improperly, which can result in water leaking into the window or onto the wall and floor. If this happens, you will be responsible for the cost of any damage. If you have an owner's manual for the unit, please check it for information on removing and cleaning the filter. Removing the filter often involves opening or removing the front cover of the air conditioner and pulling the filter out; cleaning just involves rinsing the filter under running water.

For information about safety, contracts, facilities, and general policies and procedures, see the University Apartment Resident Handbook.

At University Apartments, we offer on-site laundry facilities, where you don't need to leave your community for clean clothes. Our laundry is priced competitively to outside laundry services in town. The price is $1.50 to wash and $1.25 to dry.

Residents also enjoy 24-hour access to our safe and secure laundry facilities at Anthony and Scheidler communities.

Make sure to use HE detergent in our washing machines, and the pod-style detergent works great in them too!

We’re glad you have chosen to move in to University Apartments and we look forward to your arrival. Here are a few details to make your move to UA simple. If you have any questions, please contact us.

When will I get my apartment address?

The UA office will provide you your apartment assignment upon your arrival. Though your specific apartment number will likely be needed for Renter’s Insurance which is required (see more information provided below), it is not due until 30 days after your contract start date by which time you will have your address.

How do I check in and receive my key?

When you arrive in Muncie, first stop by the UA Office located at 3460 N. Tillotson Ave. Our regular business hours during the academic year are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and during summer the hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Check-in usually only takes 15 minutes.

If you wish to have someone else pick up your key, they must provide an email from your Ball State account that states you give our office permission to give them your key. Please list their full name and the date they will be arriving. They will need to show a picture ID. You will still need to check in at the UA Office to complete the move-in process.

How is rent charged?

When you pick up your key, your first month's rent will be automatically billed to your student financial services account for your convenience. Future rent payments will be due by the billing date or no later than the first day of each month. Payment is accepted at the Office of Student Financial Services, Lucina Hall, room B-31, in the form of cash, check, or money order. If the first of the month falls on a weekend or university holiday, rent will be due on the last business day before the first of the month. For late payments, a fee of $25 will automatically be assessed to your account at the end of the business day.

You can quickly and conveniently pay your rent online using Ball State’s eBill service. (Please note: If you use Cardinal QuickPay and have additional charges on your student financial services account, QuickPay is set up to credit the oldest charges first, which might not cover your current rent due. If this is your situation and you wish to pay your rent first, you must visit the student financial services office in person to make this arrangement.)

Will I be assigned a roommate?

Students are expected to find their own roommates and request/confirm each other as part of the online apartment application. UA does not assign roommates. If you wish to search for someone, use the roommate search web that is part of the online application.

Am I required to have renter's insurance?

Yes, all residents must show proof of renter's insurance within 30 days of moving in. Ball State does not carry insurance on any personal belongings of residents. Visit the Office of Risk Management web site for more information about preferred vendors for insurance.

Where can I view a floor plan of my apartment?

Visit our web to see the floor plans for each apartment type. Please note that drawings are not to scale.

Where are laundry facilities?

In Anthony, there are two laundry rooms - one is located in the single story apartments next to apartment #2, and the second is located on the first floor of the three story building of apartments #111-119. For Scheidler, the laundry building is located in the middle of the complex by the second shuttle stop.

Is there bus service available?

During the academic year, a free shuttle bus system is available for students. The Ball State shuttle does not run during the summer or when classes are not in session. However, the Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) runs all year and students may ride free of charge.

Are meal plans available to residents?

Meal plans are available from Ball State Dining. Students may visit any of the 14 dining locations across campus.

Will I need to register my car?

If you plan to park a vehicle at Scheidler or Anthony, you must purchase a parking permit from Parking Services. Each roommate or partner with a car also must purchase a Ball State permit. In addition you will need a resident sticker which may be obtained from the UA Office at no charge. Residents are permitted one resident sticker per licensed driver in the apartment, with a maximum of two stickers per apartment.

Where do visitors park?

In Anthony, visitors may park in a posted visitor space and display a visitor pass at all times. After 5 p.m., non-student visitors can use the visitor parking permit to park in the C-1 green commuter parking lot. Parking is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In Scheidler, visitors may park in a posted visitor space and display a visitor pass from 8 a.m - 5 p.m.weekdays. After 5 p.m. weekdays and on weekends, visitors must park in a posted visitor space without the visitor permit. Visitor permits are available at the UA Office. Visitors parked in residents' spaces will be ticketed.

Are storage facilities available?

Each Scheidler apartment has a storage unit on the patio.

What happens if I cancel my lease?

Cancelling your lease will result in the forfeiture of your deposit and a responsibility to pay rent through the semester until December 22 or April 15.

What happens if my roommate leaves before the end of our lease?

If one roommate move out without fulfilling the lease terms and conditions, the remaining roommate's rent will increase to full rent two weeks after the roommate moves out. When a roommate breaks the lease, they will be responsible to pay rent through December 22 or April 15.

What specific items should I bring?

  • Furniture (unless you are leasing a furnished apartment. Furniture is provided by CORT.)
  • Window coverings
  • Cleaning supplies for the kitchen, bathroom, and other areas of the apartment (When you move in, our office will supply you with a shopping list of preferred products.)
  • Broom, dustpan and mop
  • Shower curtain and liner
  • Tools (basic items like a hammer, pliers, and set of screwdrivers)
  • Show shovel (residents are responsible to clearing snow from their sidewalks to the main sidewalk)
  • Clothes and personal items
  • Bedding and towels

If I forget something are there stores nearby?

Many stores are within a short driving distance from University Apartments, and most are on the MITS bus line: Meijer, Menards, WalMart, Lowe's, Rural King, Marsh, Aldi and other smaller dollar and discount stores. The Muncie Mall and Target are located on the north side of town too.

You should complete a Notice of Intent to Vacate if you are planning on moving out before your spring semester contract end date (but no earlier than April 15th). The Intent to Vacate form must be completed and submit to the UA office no less than 45 days prior to the date you wish to move in order to receive a rent and deposit refund. If you are leaving on your contract end date, this form is not needed. Additionally, the Intent to Vacate form is not applicable for contracts with fall semester end dates.

Download Intent to Vacate Form (PDF)

Damage and cleaning charges will be assessed in addition to the deposit forfeiture. An occupant who vacates without filing a vacate notice will, in addition to the forfeiture of the deposit, continue to be responsible for rent until the occupant notifies or returns the apartment key(s) to the University Apartments Office. Please see our move-out checklist and fee schedule.

See the Conditions of Occupancy section of your contract, F. Termination of Contract, for more information.

If one roommate is moving out:

  • Notify your roommate of your intentions to vacate.
  • You will need to return your key to the office to end your billing. DO NOT pass it on to your roommate or an incoming roommate. You are responsible for that key and will be charged for rent until the key is returned.
  • Your roommate will be given an opportunity to notify the office if you have left damage in the apartment, which you will be charged.
  • The roommate left is responsible for full rent and is granted a two week grace period.

If both roommates are leaving:

  • Each roommate must file separate vacate notices.
  • It is the responsibility of the remaining roommate leaving to have the apartment completely cleared and cleaned before turning in keys.
  • Each roommate must turn in his/her keys. If the key is given to someone else to return, your rent will continue to run until the key is returned.
  • Damage or cleaning charges will be divided equally between roommates leaving within two weeks of one another. After that time the last roommate will be responsible for any charges.

We hope your stay at our University Apartments was pleasant. We wish you the very best in your future. If there are any comments or suggestions you would like to contribute, we value your feedback.

Parking policies are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week at Ball State University’s two apartment complexes.

Residents of Scheidler and Anthony Apartments must purchase a parking permit. For information on how to obtain a parking permit, please visit the Office of Parking Services website.

Parking Services Website

Please keep in mind, the University Apartments rent amount is included in the sum of the Minimum Payment Due on the statement that you receive from Student Financial Services. After paying your amount for rent, the remainder of the minimum payment due will still need to be paid to remain current with the University.

Here's what you need to do to remain current with the University:

  • Step 1: Pay rent.
  • Step 2: Subtract the amount you paid for rent from the minim payment due listed on the statement - this is the amount you still need to pay the University.
  • Step 3: Pay the remaining amount.

University Apartments’ contract-holders and authorized residents will be permitted possession of a pet upon completion and approval of the Pet Policy & Agreement Form. This must take place PRIOR to procuring an animal on premises.

Upon approval, proof of current vaccinations must be provided, and a copy of the vaccinations be kept on file in the University Apartments Office. Immunization records must be updated each year. Dogs and cats must wear current vaccination and identification tags at all times. All dogs and cats must be neutered unless certification by a veterinarian indicates that the procedure would jeopardize the medical well-being of the animal, or by approval of the Assistant Director for the Apartments. There will be no breeding of animals permitted.

A one-time non-refundable pet deposit of $200 will be charged after approval of the animal(s). The Resident shall pay a non-refundable monthly pet fee of $25 per each animal. Any damages/charges resulting from pet(s) will be additional expenses and will be billed to Resident’s Student Financial Services account after an inspection is completed. 

The full University Apartments Pet Policy can be viewed below.

University Apartments Pet Policy

Choose Your Neighbor, Get $100

Refer a friend who signs a new lease with Ball State University Apartments and get a $100 credit towards your rent.

Download the referral form

We all know that sometimes accidents happen, but it's important to protect our belongings and ourselves should tragedy strike. Renter's insurance is a good way to protect your personal property, like clothing, books, computers, electronics, and small appliances from loss. Students are encouraged to secure insurance coverage through their own personal insurance agent, or locate the services of companies who specialize in offering coverage for college students. The University does not derive any financial benefit from the sale of these policies. Before purchasing any insurance make sure you fully understand what the insurance policy covers as well as what is not covered. It also helps to comparison shop to make sure you get the policy best suited to your needs.

As part of the Conditions of Occupancy, you will need to provide proof of renter's insurance (personal and liability) to the University Apartments Office prior to the beginning date of your lease.

If something in your apartment needs to be fixed or looked at, submit your need through the online repair request form below.


Our maintenance staff is available for repairs from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday during the academic year, or 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during the summer. If you have an emergency that requires a repair after hours, please contact the University Apartments staff member on duty. During official university break periods, after-hours emergencies should be directed to the University Police.

Students living in University Apartments may request a transfer to another apartment at the end of their lease. You must sign a renewal contract in order to be eligible for a transfer.   

Please follow the information below to request a transfer:

The transfer policy is stated in the contract Conditions of Occupancy, D.7., and states: “No transfers are permitted between apartments except for upgrade/downgrade, unless the UNIVERSITY, in its sole discretion, determines special circumstances exist which warrants an exception.  A transfer fee will be assessed.  If a transfer results in the vacancy of a formerly occupied unit, a transfer fee of $200 will be assessed.”  

Requesting a transfer does not guarantee that you will be permitted to transfer. Transfers are limited to one per year. If you have transferred in the last 12 months, you may not be permitted to transfer again.  

Fees: If the transfer results in an apartment vacancy which changes the total apartment occupancy, the transfer charge is $200. If the transfer does not change occupancy, the fee is $20.

Roommate Information: If you currently have a roommate who will not be transferring with you, you will be required to obtain your roommate’s permission. The remaining roommate will be responsible for full rent two weeks after the transfer is complete. If they choose to not agree to the transfer, we cannot permit a transfer.  If you choose to move into an apartment already occupied by a roommate, you will be accepting the apartment in its current condition as well as being responsible for the condition of the apartment when you vacate.  UA staff will not clean the apartment if you are unhappy with the condition. It is very strongly recommended that you check the apartment in advance and discuss any concerns with your potential roommate.   

Transfer Process Information:

  • If a transfer is offered, you will have one week from the date you pick up your key to move, clean your current apartment, and return your old apartment key(s) to the University Apartments Office. If you fail to complete the transfer within one week, a $25.00 per day late charge will be assessed for each day you are late. If you have a spouse/domestic partner, a second key cannot be issued until the old apartment keys are returned.  
  • The apartment you vacate must be left in good condition. If you fail to leave the apartment clean and damage free, you will be charged appropriately.
  • Transfers are not available to residents who are delinquent in their rent or have some other policy violation (pet, unauthorized resident, poor housekeeping, etc). 

Before purchasing blinds, drapes, or curtains, please consider the specific window sizes at each of our locations. 

Anthony Apartments


Living Room: 93" x 68"

Bedroom: 45" x 45"

Kitchen (2BR): 45" x 68"


Living Room: 93" x 51"

Bedrooms: 44" x 44"


Living Room: 104" x 77"

Bedrooms: 84" x 25"

Scheidler Apartments


Patio Door: 77" x 85"

Living Room: 56" x 79"

Front Bedroom: 56" x 71"

Back Bedroom: 40" x 83"


Patio Door: 76" x 83"

Living Room: 51" x 75"

Front Bedroom: 51" x 68"

Back Bedroom: 39" x 68"


Patio Door: 77" x 84"

Living Room: 56" x 71"

Front Bedroom: 56" x 66"

Back Bedroom: 40" x 66"


Patio Door: 78" x 85"

Living Room: 56" x 74"

All Bedrooms: 40" x 66"


If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.