All instructors are expected to have a syllabus for the courses they teach. A syllabus is where students learn about the course, the instructor, and the instructor's expectations. This page contains information to make the syllabus an effective learning tool that complies with University policies.
Syllabus Resources

Diversity Statement 

As approved by University Senate in February 2017:

Includes university resources (reference to Multicultural Center)

Ball State University aspires to be a university that attracts and retains a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We are committed to ensuring that all members of the community are welcome, through valuing the various experiences and worldviews represented at Ball State and among those we serve. We promote a culture of respect and civil discourse as expressed in our Beneficence Pledge and through university resources found here.

Disability Services Statement

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please contact the instructor of record as soon as possible. Ball State's Disability Services office coordinates services for students with disabilities; documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided. Disability Services can be contacted at 765-285-5293 or

Attendance Policies

Faculty are required to establish their own individual attendance policies for their courses and ensure that they communicate these policies through their course syllabi.  

Faculty members should take attendance in all classes—even if they do not assign points for attendance. Faculty may be asked to provide the last date of attendance for a student in association with financial aid requirement.

Guidance for faculty drafting an individual attendance policy

  • Course attendance policies are up to the individual faculty but must be consistent with University policies regarding student absences, including for funeral and bereavement leave, jury duty, late course addition, military absences, observance of religious holidays, pregnancy leave, and university advisories.

  • Consider field-specific best practices as well as student well-being.

  • In general, students are expected to notify all of their instructors once they anticipate being absent for any reason (e.g., funeral) or as soon as possible after the absence begins (e.g., unexpected injury or illness). The student may need to provide documentation to each instructor if requested. Only faculty members can excuse an absence.

Many faculty find it helpful to make students aware of both the academic ethics policy and the grade appeal policy.

You may consider clearly articulating your expectations regarding email and other course correspondence. Do you typically take 24-48 hours to respond? If so, consider mentioning that on the syllabus.

Do you have particular expectations for your students to use your correct pronouns or title? If so, consider including some guidance on those issues.

It may help for students to know what counts as a classroom disruption and how you plan to deal with those disruptions.

There are a wide variety of academic support services offered through Academic Affairs and University College. It is helpful for students to see those resources on a syllabus. Consider including the language below regarding the Learning Center or the Writing Center.

Student Affairs offers assistance to students through the Basic Needs Hub and has a recommended syllabus statement below. It is also helpful to include a link to the Counseling Center, and other student success services

The Learning Center

The Learning Center offers free Tutoring and Academic Coaching for many courses at Ball State. Students can make appointments for online (Zoom) or in-person (NQ 350) appointments.   

To make an appointment, visit and click on “Navigate” in the Additional Tools section, or just go directly to

Testing accommodations for students with disabilities are available for students who have received the appropriate documentation from Disability Services.  Tests may be administered in the Learning Center.  

Supplemental Instruction is available in select courses.  If you have an SI leader for your course, that person will provide students with information the first week of school regarding weekly study sessions.

For more information about all of our programming, visit or call 765-285-1006. Follow us on Instagram: BallStateLC.

The Writing Center 

All writers improve with practice and feedback, so as a student in this course, you are encouraged to use the Writing Center (in Robert Bell 295 during weekdays, Bracken Library First Floor West in the evenings, or online during any of our regularly scheduled hours) to get additional feedback on your writing. The Writing Center offers free planning, feedback, and accountability sessions (in person and online) to all students composing essays, reports, reflections, research projects, web content, lesson plans, slideshows, poster presentations, resumes, and other digital or print texts. To schedule a free appointment to discuss your writing, go to Online and in-person appointments are available; however, plan ahead because appointments book quickly!

The Basic Needs Hub

If you are having difficulty affording enough food, do not have a safe and reliable place to sleep, and/or experiencing an emergency or crisis, help is available through the Basic Needs Hub.  The Basic Needs Hub has information, resources, and provides individualized support to students.  To talk with a supportive staff member about your experience, receive one on one assistance, or learn more about resources, you can submit a Basic Needs Assistance Form

  • Continuity of Instruction Page
  • Learning Center Canvas Module
    Want to add the Learning Center Spring 2022 Resources module to your Canvas course or community? Just click on “Commons” in your left menu bar in Canvas, then search for “Ball State University Learning Center Resources Spring 2022.”  From that screen, you can import the module into your course or download the materials. More instructions.

    Included in the module: a Learning Center packet describing all of our programming, instructions and a video explaining how to make an appointment with a tutor or Academic Coach, and a linked list to over 600 video tutorials (housed on YouTube) created by tutors for hundreds of different courses.

  • Consider including the following information about the Learning Center on your syllabus and Canvas site:
    The Learning Center offers free Tutoring and Academic Coaching for many courses at Ball State.  Students can make appointments for online (Zoom) or in-person (NQ 350) appointments.   

    To make an appointment, visit and click on “Navigate” in the Additional Tools section, or just go directly to

    Testing accommodations for students with disabilities are available for students who have received the appropriate documentation from Disability Services.  Tests may be administered in the Learning Center.  

    Supplemental Instruction is available in select courses.  If you have an SI leader for your course, that person will provide students with information the first week of school regarding weekly study sessions.

    For more information about all of our programming, visit 

  • Request a visit from the Learning Center to your classroom or organization!
    Academic Coaches from the Learning Center are available to present 5-45 minute presentations, talks, and workshops on many different aspects of collegiate success, such as Learning Center services, goal-setting, time management, organization, strategies for reading the textbook, note-taking, and locating campus resources.  

    To request a presentation, talk, or workshop, please fill out the request form on our website. If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Center Director, Jenny Haley.

    We suggest scheduling your presentation starting Week 2 of the semester.

  • Refer your students to the Learning Center
    We have great academic resources such as tutoring and Academic Coaching.  Students are more likely to take advantage of our resources when faculty and staff send them our way.

  • Refer students who would make great tutors
    We are experiencing a hiring crisis like so many others on campus and across the country.  Please refer your high-performing students to the Learning Center to work as tutors.  All jobs are posted through Cardinal Career Link.  Critical areas are chemistry, math, business, physics, and pre-nursing.

Student Success starts with communication and engagement in the first six weeks. Below you can find tips for a strong start to the semester and video guides from faculty detailing the supportive pedagogical strategies they recommend for the first six weeks.