Rich Owens
Rich Owens
Instructor of Mathematical Sciences


Room:RB 465


B.S. in Mathematics, St. Joseph’s University
Masters in Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Creighton University

Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

Rich joined Ball State in August 2012 as an Instructor of Actuarial Science, previously having been an Adjunct Instructor of Actuarial Science at Drexel University. In 2012, he co-authored a research study for the Society of Actuaries "Credit Risk Modeling Techniques for Life Insurers".

In his 33-year insurance industry career, Rich was a Vice-President and Senior Actuary at MetLife where during his 25-years with MetLife his responsibilities included risk management, capital management, asset liability management, financial strategy, pension software development, pricing and financial reporting. Before joining MetLife, he had been a group actuary with Home Life Insurance Company in New York.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Exam Prep for Exam P 354 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE