Hanspeter Fischer
Hanspeter Fischer
Professor of Mathematical Sciences


Room:RB 426


Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1998
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1993
Vordiplom Mathematics, minor Computer Science, University of Ulm, Germany, 1991

Research Interests:

Geometric and algebraic topology of locally non-trivial spaces

Selected Publications:

  • “A simply connected universal fibration with unique path lifting over a Peano continuum with non-simply connected universal covering space”, J. Brazas and H. Fischer, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 153 (2025) 371-379
  • "On the failure of the first Cech homotopy group to register geometrically relevant fundamental group elements", J. Brazas and H. Fischer, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 52 (2020) 1072-1092
  • “Test map characterizations of local properties of fundamental groups”, J. Brazas and H. Fischer, Journal of Topology and Analysis, 12 (2020) 37-85
  • “Word calculus in the fundamental group of the Menger curve”, H. Fischer and A. Zastrow, Fundamenta Mathematicae 235 (2016) 199-226
  • “Cotorsion-free groups from a topological viewpoint”, K. Eda and H. Fischer, Topology and its Applications 214 (2016) 21-34
  • “Generalized universal covering spaces and the shape group”, H. Fischer and A. Zastrow, Fundamenta Mathematicae 197 (2007) 167-196
  • “The fundamental groups of subsets of closed surfaces inject into their first shape groups” H. Fischer and A. Zastrow, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 5 (2005) 1655-1676
  • “On the fundamental groups of trees of manifolds", H. Fischer and C. Guilbault, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 221 (2005) 49-79

Personal Website

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Algebraic Structures 311 2 1400 - 1515 T R RB, room 107
Coding and Communica 415 1 1400 - 1450 M W F RB, room 450
Coding and Communica 515 1 1400 - 1450 M W F RB, room 450