Dr. YoungKyoung Lee
Dr. YoungKyoung Lee
<b>Department: </b> School of Music<br><b>Research Area: </b>New music/research, percussion works in the 21st century, percussion pedagoy

Department: School of Music

Research Focus: New music/research, percussion works in the 21st century, percussion pedagoy.


Potential Student Project(s):

This project focuses on creating a comprehensive set of percussion method books tailored to students at various educational levels, from beginners to advanced learners. The project aims to design a structured approach to percussion pedagogy for use in both classroom and private instruction settings. Participants will collaborate on developing curriculum materials, lesson plans, and performance exercises suitable for each level of learning. The project offers hands-on experience in curriculum development, pedagogical theory, and educational publishing. Participants will contribute to the creation of resources intended to support percussion educators globally. The mentorship will provide guidance throughout the entire process, from research and outlining to testing and refinement. This project is ideal for those passionate about percussion education and interested in exploring innovative methods for teaching percussion. 


Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:

Interest and experience in percussion education, advanced percussion performance experience, and a commitment to collaborative work. Students should have time management skills, a willingness to receive feedback, and an eagerness to contribute to curriculum development and educational research. 


Mentoring Plan:

The student researcher will work 5 h/week on the project including a 1-on-1 interaction with you for at least 1 hour/week. There may be optional group meetings if necessary. 


Contact: 765-285-5506, MU 112