Dr. Andrew Crow
<b>Department: </b>Music<br><b>Research Area: </b>I am exploring the ways that musicians, reporters, and other writers use terminology when describing music.
Department: Music
Research Focus: I am exploring the ways that musicians, reporters, and other writers use terminology when describing music.
Potential Student Project(s):
This project will involve guided searches through published writings and other media (interviews, broadcasts, videos). The researcher will then record how and when people use musical genre terms such as "classical," "jazz," "hip hop," "pop," "rock," etc. Some time will be spent listening to the music itself, but the primary focus will be discerning what words composers and performers use to describe their own musical creations, and how people from other perspectives describe the music they interact with.
Attributes/skills/background sought in undergraduate:
Some general familiarity with varying music genres and musical instruments will be helpful. Also needed: digital fluency to search a variety of platforms. Lastly, organizational ability, using a spreadsheet to catalog instances of terminology in use.
Mentoring Plan:
We will need an initial meeting of approximately two hours to set the project in motion. Afterward, a weekly check-in of approximately one hour, should be sufficient to review the search results and refocus the search areas. Students are expected to work 5h/week on the project, including 1h/week one-on-one meeting with me.
Contact: 765-285-5417, MI 129