For hard work and service to our students, peers, and the Ball State community, we often like to recognize our faculty and staff. Each fall, we present different award categories for outstanding faculty and staff members, and we acknowledge our retiring faculty and staff members who have gone above and beyond their responsibilities.
In addition, the provost awards prize is awarded to a Ball State senior who has achieved academically and has taken the initiative to enhance his or her education through internships, research/creative projects, overseas study, working, volunteering, or other experiences.
Fall Faculty Awards
- Outstanding Awards
Nominations for all “Outstanding Awards” may be made by students, faculty, professional personnel, or administrators. For specific award criteria and nomination procedures, please contact the Office of the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs.
- Excellence in Teaching Awards
Ball State’s Division of Online and Strategic Learning and the Office of the Provost sponsor these awards. The award recognizes some of our most creative and deserving faculty for their roles as teachers.
Each year, students are asked to nominate teachers for their expertise, dedication, and talent in the classroom. When nominations are complete, the top vote getters move on to a second round where a selection committee, comprised of past award winners and students, choose the winner. The award winners are given an opportunity to teach a specially designed “dream course,” the course they have always wanted to teach.
- Lawhead Award
Established more than a decade ago courtesy of gifts from Victor Lawhead, former dean of Ball State's undergraduate programs, and his wife, Doris Lawhead, a former academic adviser, the Lawhead Award is presented annually and is based on teaching evaluations, contribution to the University Core Curriculum, freshmen activities, service to the community, and support from faculty and students.
- Rawlings Award
Established in 2002, this award honors a full-time faculty member who has proven to be the most dedicated to teaching extended education courses at off-campus distance education sites. The award was named after Joseph Rawlings, dean emeritus of the Division of Online and Strategic Learning. Rawlings worked nearly 20 years to create and develop the university's distance learning program.