E-classes: F1, P1, H1
- Retiree Life Insurance Benefits: Must be at least 62 years of age and have at least 15 years of continuous* full-time employment.
- Retiree Health/Dental Benefits: Not eligible if hired or rehired on or after January 1, 2020
E-classes: F3, P3, H3
- Retiree Life Insurance Benefits: Must be at least 62 years of age and have at least 15 years of cumulative** full-time employment.
- Retiree Health/Dental Benefits:
- F3: Only eligible if originally hired before January 1, 2020. Must be at least 62 years of age and have at least 15 years of cumulative** full-time employment and must be enrolled in healthcare plan at time of retirement with 15 years of cumulative** participation in the healthcare plan. Prior to age 65 participation must be while actively employed.
- P3 and H3: Not eligible if hired or rehired on or after January 1, 2020
E-classes: A1, B1, E1, N1, P5, H5
- Retiree Life Insurance Benefits: Must be at least 62 years of age and have at least 15 years of continuous* full-time employment.
- Retiree Health/Dental Benefits: Not eligible if hired or rehired on or after January 1, 2020
Reference: December 13, 2019 Board Report pg. 165 - 166. *Continuous means no break in service, calculated from most recent date of employment. **Cumulative means any service for any dates of employment, regardless of breaks in service. Receiving Emeritus/Emerita, Honoratus/Honorata, or Retirement status does not guarantee qualification for retiree health, dental, and life insurance benefits and receiving retiree insurance benefits does not guarantee receiving Emeritus/Emerita, Honoratus/Honorata, or Retirement status.