Our Palette

Color is a strong element in our brand identity. Cardinal red and white are the official colors of Ball State University. These colors unite every unit, from academic areas, to Athletics, to the Ball State University Foundation, to recruitment.

Consistent use of these colors will help the University build strong connections and affiliations, especially with external audiences.

Primary Colors

Cardinal Red

PMS 200
C:3, M:100, Y:70, K:12
R:186, G:12, B:47


C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:0
R:255, G:255, B:255

Cardinal Red is the primary color. To ensure consistency and vibrancy, Cardinal Red should never be screened (tinted or set to a lower opacity than 100 percent). When a vendor has only standard color swatches that don’t match our specific red, make every effort to find the closest pure red (no burgundy, rust, orange, or pink tones). If a standard pure red is unavailable, use white or black.

Secondary Colors


C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:100
R:0, G:0, B:0
HEX: 000000

Dark Gray

PMS 425
C:48, M:29, Y:26, K:76
R:84, G:88, B:90
HEX: 54585A

Light Gray

(Web Only)

C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:10
R:231, G:231, B:231

Dark Red

(Never to be used alone)
PMS 188
C:33, M:92, Y:73, K:38
R:121, G:36, B:47
HEX: 79242F

Secondary colors are intended to assist as visual organizational elements such as tasteful callout features and sidebar boxes. Secondary colors must never replace or overwhelm Cardinal Red and should only serve to add to the design.