Michael Lee
Michael Lee
Associate Professor in Department of Media


Room:BC 201N

Michael Sangyeob Lee is an Associate Professor of Media at BSU. His main focus is user-directed digital storytelling, features of characters in online role-playing games, and the use of uncanny phenomenon in the virtual environments.

Before he became an academic, Michael Lee worked for broadcasting and cable industries, serving various roles including programmer, video editor, and technical director. 

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Extended Reality Des 335 1 1100 - 1215 T R AJ, room 380
Web Development 351 1 1400 - 1515 M W RB, room 134
Independent Study 390 3 0000 - 0000
Directed Study in Me 690 1 0000 - 0000
Thesis 698 4 0000 - 0000