Writer-in-Residence: Hena Khan

The Ball State Writer-in-Residence program is thrilled to host award-winning author Hena Khan in Muncie the week of October 28-30, 2024, to read, write, learn, and talk with students in our community schools and after-school programs, and engage with community members around her award-winning books. Learn more.

Poster snippet about In Print 2024 with event details and information.

In Print Festival of First Books

As its name suggests, the In Print Festival of First Books is a two-day event bringing writers to campus who have just published their first books, as well as an editor from a small press or literary journal. They give readings, yes, but they also talk about their experiences getting published and work directly with our students. Learn more.

A person staring up at the night sky.

Stars to Steer By

This monthly career series (co-sponsored by the Career Center) is aimed at liberal arts majors. Successful alumni and faculty host career workshops to show current students how they can pursue a variety of post-grad pathways. Learn more.

Nita Mason

Practical Criticism Midwest

This annual conference provides English graduate and undergraduate students with a forum to share their work in rhetoric and composition, linguistics and TESOL, literature, and creative writing. Learn more.

students at the Marilyn K. Cory speaker series

Marilyn K. Cory Speaker Series

The Marilyn K. Cory Series brings celebrated authors and public intellectuals to campus throughout the year, generating a department-wide (and often a campus-wide) dialogue around a topic. Learn more.

author seated, signing autographs

Visiting Writers Series

For over a decade the English Department's Visiting Writers Series has been bringing outstanding writers to Ball State to read their work and share their knowledge and expertise with students. Learn more.

group of people posing for a photo

Indiana Writing Project

IWP is an organization committed to promoting the best possible writing instruction in Indiana's elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools. It’s a site of the National Writing Project, administered through Ball State University's English Department. IWP has been recognized by the Indiana State Legislature for its work in helping teachers improve student writing performance. Learn more.

group of people seated at a table

Writing Program Speaker Series

This series is for instructors, teaching assistants, and writing center tutors to engage with issues in the field of teaching writing. The speakers are scheduled to present talks and/or workshops during both the fall and spring semesters. Learn more.