The Student Anti-Racism and Intersectionality Advisory Council works to develop strategies that will cultivate understandings of race and intersectionality while dismantling racist ideologies. The group aims to equip students and educators of all backgrounds with materials and knowledge on how to be anti-racists on campus and in all of their endeavors. Learn more.
The Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) serves as a liaison between graduate students and faculty and as peer support for students. It is dedicated to the advancement of professional development, scholarship, and fellowship. GSAB also sponsors Practical Criticism Midwest, a student-run conference. Learn more about GSAB.
The English Education Club is for English Language Arts majors who want to learn more about the world of teaching and pedagogy, discuss current events in the education world, help each other navigate the curriculum, and learn new teaching tactics. It also helps to organize yearly trips to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) conference and holds CPR training sessions for club members. Learn more.
Members of the Ball State Writers Community are written-language enthusiasts. They share and blog their own poems, essays, stories, and share information about the work of their favorite authors. Bring things you’ve written, things you’ve read, and your sparkling personality. The group meets once a week. Learn more.
Poetic Summit is the spoken word/slam poetry organization at Ball State University. Members love sharing their stories, and they want you to share yours, too. They participate in the national CUPSI competition (College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational). Learn more.
Many students in the English Education concentration serve as officers for ABLT, whose mission is to connect students to peers, professionals, organizations, institutions, and resources that support Black and Latinx students in the field of education. Learn more.