Ralph Joyner
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Professor, Ball State University, 1965-1988
Researcher, Case-Western Reserve University, 1963-1964
Researcher, PPG Industries, 1961-1965
Ph.D. Case-Western Reserve University, 1961
Researcher, Monsato, 1951-1955, 1958
M.S., Miami University, 1951
B.S., Miami University, 1950
Dr. Joyner has made many contributions to Ball State University in his twenty-three years on the campus. He provided leadership in the Department of Chemistry as chairperson, and was a stabilizing influence in his earlier role as administrative assistant. Dr. Joyner’s many years of leadership as department philosopher and as a member of important deliberative bodies such as University Senate and the Graduate Educational Policies Council are greatly appreciated. Perhaps his most important contribution has been to lead us into a new era of scholarly activity; he did so in part by doing the research leading to the first article ever published in a major chemical journal that was based on Ball State research.