Keith Ault
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Professor, Ball State University, 1967-1994
Ed.D., Indiana University, 1970
M.A.T. Indiana University, 1967
B.S. Indiana University, 1962
Professor Keith Ault has committed more than twenty-five years to education at the university level. He co-wrote a college chemistry textbook designed to help nonscientists learn about chemistry and help students become acquainted with the problem-solving methods of scientists. He also is co-author of a study guide and solutions manual for a best selling general chemistry text.
Dr. Ault was active in chemical education, directing several National Science Foundation grants to help open the fields of science to persons with physical disabilities. In one project he brought together teams of educators and had scientists with physical disabilities as presenters and role models. He has longstanding interest in vitamin C, and several years ago collaborated on vitamin C research with one of the participants in his NSF funded program.
Dr. Ault’s teaching was greatly appreciated by his students. He had a desire to communicate with students and the ability to do it well. His teaching has been appreciated by literally thousands of students through the years, and his colleagues will miss him.