Drew Adamson
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Ball State
B.A., Telecommunications: Digital Sports Production, 2015
Current Position
Broadcast Director for iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations
From Atlanta, GA. Attended Ball State from 2011-13 as a Telecommunications major. then after it's inception, became a Digital Sports Production major from 2013-15. Was the first freshman to join Ball State Sports Link. Won an Emmy junior year as a producer on the weekly episodic football show 3rd Down Chirp.
After graduation, joined Radford University Athletics (Radford, VA) as the Assistant Director of Digital Media. After 1 year moved on to Bryant University Athletics (Smithfield, RI) as the Director of Digital Media. 18 months later in 2017, joined iRacing as the Media Producer. Late 2019, became the Broadcast Director as iRacing began in-house broadcast operations and designed and built their broadcast control room.