James Kerestes
James Kerestes
Associate Professor of Architecture


Room:AB 409

James F. Kerestes is an Associate Professor of Architecture and a registered architect in the state of Pennsylvania. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Syracuse University and a Post-Professional Master of Architecture degree from Pratt Institute. Prior to his current position at Ball State, he has taught digital media and emergent technologies at Pratt Institute, Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania. 

His current research focuses on identifying and exploring the latent potential within tools and building typologies to instigate novel architectural design inquiries.  This emphasis explores methods for engaging tools as mediums where authorial exchanges lead to new opportunities in design communication, architectural storytelling, user interaction, digital fabrication and construction.

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Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Architectural Design 302 6 1300 - 1650 M W F AB, room 319
Spec Proj in Arch 498 3 1730 - 2010 R AB, room 202
Spec Proj in Arch 598 8 1730 - 2010 R AB, room 202