Zahida Khan
Zahida Khan
Assistant Professor of Architecture


Room:AB 428

Dr. Zahida Khan is a highly credentialed specialist in areas of architectural design, high-performance building design, sustainability, and advanced building systems. She earned a Ph.D. from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)- Chicago. Her doctoral study developed (a) predictive models of human behavior in public spaces using research methodologies namely CFD simulation and longitudinal observation data; and (b) novel framework for the outdoor thermal comfort integrated Human Behavior SIMulation tool called "HuBeSIM". She was involved in high performance design studios (solar decathlon) at Ball State University.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Environmental System 273 2 1100 - 1215 M W AB, room 310
Integrated Arch Dsgn 602 1 1230 - 1730 M W AB, room 220