Come along with Outdoor Pursuits and explore one of the closest state parks to campus - Summit Lake State Park! This adventure begins with a meet and greet at the Outdoor Pursuits climbing wall. You will enjoy rock climbing, group activities, and a pizza party. You will get to have a lock-in at the Rec Center to learn some useful outdoor skills with your Trip Leaders. The next morning, you will depart for Summit Lake State Park, just a short ride away, for lots of outdoor activities, team building, canoeing, and plenty of time to relax in the outdoors. We will spend two nights under the stars while we paddle and hike to our hearts' content. This trip will have options for all ability and experience levels. *Location subject to change based on availability.* 

Program Dates

Program Dates: To be determined

Program Fee

$120.00 (includes travel, camping, activities, and meals)


Registration will open in April 2025.

During the academic year, Outdoor Pursuits offers many opportunities for adventure trips. Watch for emails regarding upcoming trips or visit their website to learn more. Outdoor Pursuits also offers equipment rental to Ball State students for bikes, camping equipment, canoes, kayaks, outdoor games and much more!

Itinerary for Summer 2024

  • Afternoon - Check-in and trip orientation on campus
  • Evening - Climbing wall social, pizza, and games at the Jo Ann Gora Student Recreation and Wellness Center, and stay overnight in the Rec Center
  • Morning - Travel to New Castle, Indiana, leave by 11 a.m.
  • Afternoon - Arrive and set up campsite, canoeing, and various activities
  • Evening - Campfire and activities
  • Morning -Hiking and various activities
  • Afternoon and Evening - Short 'Leave No Trace' lesson put on by OP Trip leaders, short hike, canoeing, and various activities
  • Morning -Tear down camp and various activities
  • Afternoon - Return to Recreation Center

For More Information

Contact Outdoor Pursuits.

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