Q: What is Spirit and Traditions?
A: The Spirit and Traditions Office is dedicated to enhancing the student experience at Ball State University. We organize and host a variety of events that are fun, safe, and inclusive. Our offerings span cultural, educational, popular, and diverse entertainment, with hallmark events such as Grocery Bingo, Concerts, and Carnival. We pride ourselves on being FOR STUDENTS, BY STUDENTS, ensuring that our events are tailored to meet the interests and needs of our student body. All our events are free with a Ball State ID, promoting accessibility and engagement. Our ultimate goal is to foster a sense of community and build lasting traditions that enrich campus life.
Q: Who can attend Spirit and Traditions events?
A: Ball State students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Ball State IDs are required for in-person events.
Q: Can I bring my friend who is visiting from another university?
A: Yes! All guests must be 16 years and older. Please make sure you are also following the guest policy outlined by Housing and Residence Life if you live in a residence hall on campus.
Q: Why do I no longer receive Spirit and Traditions emails?
A: Ball State now utilizes the Communication Center for all campus-wide emails. Follow the directions below to subscribe to our emails and set your frequency preferences.
- Visit commcenter.bsu.edu.
- Click "Manage My Subscriptions" on the red bar at the top of the page.
- Enter your affiliated login credentials.
- Scroll down and click "Arts, Culture, & Entertainment."
- Scroll down and find "Late Nite." Choose your email preference (Immediate, Daily, Weekly).
- Scroll down and find "University Program Board." Choose your email preference (Immediate, Daily, Weekly).
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the red "Update Preferences" button.
- You're done! Make sure to also follow us @bsustudentprograms on Facebook and Instagram.
Q: I need an accommodation for a Late Nite or UPB event. What should I do?
A: Please send us an email at latenite@bsu.edu or upb@bsu.edu depending on which event you are interested in. The sooner we receive your request the better we can accommodate your needs. We work closely with the Office of Disability Services to make sure our events can be enjoyed by all students.
Q: Where can I find Spirit and Traditions updates?
A: There are several places to stay updated on all our events. See links below: