Career Ready

Consider the Career Center’s Career Ready Program, which will prepare you well. Learn more.

Internships are a bridge between academics and the real world, allowing you to apply your research, creative and critical thinking, and professional writing skills. You can enter the job-seeking process with more confidence and narrow down your possible pathways.

Internships are generally contracted for a 15-week semester or a 10-week summer term; they may be part-time or full-time.

Academic Credit

You may earn up to 12 academic credits, three of which can be counted toward an English major or minor.

The basic formula for assigning credit: each 7.5 hours per week for a 15-week semester earns 3 credits.

Talk to the Assistant Chair of Operations to discuss how your internship might apply in your major or minor.

Requirements for Credit

For internships to be translated into academic credit, you must fulfill the requirements and expectations of both the job-site supervisor and the Assistant Chair of Operations.

Expectations of the Intern

  • Accept and complete internship assignments.
  • Ask questions if any assignment isn’t clear.
  • Be professional (dress appropriately, arrive on time, etc.).
  • Cooperate with other staff.
  • Use good judgment. If uncomfortable or faced with an ethical question, contact your faculty supervisor.
  • Learn from your job-site supervisor’s suggestions and criticism.
  • Take initiative.

Yes, of course this is an option. But we encourage you to take the time to fill out the paperwork so that the internship “counts” and doesn’t lengthen your time to completing your degree.

After Approval

The internship sponsor said 'yes.' Now what do I do?

1. Contact the Assistant Chair of Operations. They serve as your faculty supervisor.

2. Turn in the following materials to your faculty supervisor:

  • completed internship application
  • internship agreement signed by your work site supervisor
  • course request form signed by your faculty supervisor.

3. Register for credit. The course reference number must be obtained in the Department of English main office in Robert Bell, room 297 to register for the approved number of credit hours in:

  • ENG 369 Undergraduate Internship
  • ENG 669 Graduate Internship


Frequently Asked Questions

You can do an “internal internship” working as a TA for a Ball State professor or running a blog or social media for an academic department or program, for example.

You can do an “external internship” during the semester in Muncie or during the summer (in your hometown or elsewhere).

Consider using the following script when calling or emailing your potential employer:

“Hello. My name is [name]. I am currently a [junior/senior/graduate student] at Ball State University pursuing a degree in English.

“I’m eager to gain professional experience in [professional writing/editing/marketing/communications] through our English internship program. I am familiar with [name of organization], and I believe that my classes have provided me with a set of skills that would make me an asset to your organization.

“I would be happy to send you information about our internships program that details your role in the partnership. You can also find the information on our website. I can be reached by phone at [number] or by e-mail at [e-mail address]. I’ve attached my resume. Thank you for your time.”

What Can You Do with an English Major?

We’re asked this question all the time. Our answer: A lot. You will learn skills that transfer across hundreds of possible careers and industries—some of which may not even exist yet. Our graduates go on to work in marketing, publishing, non-profit fundraising, speechwriting, as well as in countless other fulfilling occupations.

Explore Careers

A student and a professor working together.