Omar Shalaby
Omar Shalaby
Associate Teaching Professor of Biology


Room:FB 213

Profoundly knowledgeable and resourceful Biologist/Zoologist/entomologist with over 30 years of research and university-level teaching experience. A bilingual exceptional communicator with exemplary written and verbal skills in both English and Arabic. Innovative thinker with strong field and laboratory research skills and problem- solving capabilities. FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Forensic Entomology — a field to be utilized by law authorities around the world, offers a great potential of studies and research that enable Forensic Entomologists to elevate their capabilities in crimes and drug abuse investigations of homicide and suicide cases.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principles of Biolog 112 09 1800 - 1950 W FB, room 153
Principles of Biolog 112 09 0800 - 0915 T R FB, room 142
Principles of Biolog 112 10 1600 - 1750 R FB, room 153
Principles of Biolog 112 10 0800 - 0915 T R FB, room 142
Principles of Biolog 112 11 1100 - 1250 F FB, room 153
Principles of Biolog 112 11 0800 - 0915 T R FB, room 142
Principles of Biolog 112 12 1400 - 1550 F FB, room 153
Principles of Biolog 112 12 0800 - 0915 T R FB, room 142
Conservation Biology 430 1 1515 - 1730 W FB, room 250
Conservation Biology 430 1 1400 - 1515 T FB, room 250
Entomology 441 1 1400 - 1550 R FB, room 250
Entomology 441 1 1600 - 1650 T R FB, room 250