Rona Robinson-Hill
Associate Professor of Biology
Dr. Rona Robinson-Hill, from research scientist to assistant professor was born and raised in St. Louis, MO and is a product of St. Louis Public Schools. She holds a B.S. in Biology from University of Missouri Kansas City; M.S. Curriculum & Instruction from Maryville University-St. Louis; and a Ph. D. in Science Education from University of MO-St. Louis. Her research interests include: supervising practicum for pre-service teachers in experiential settings in Muncie, IN teaching inquiry science using the 5E Learning Model to K-5 underrepresented students and teaching pre-service students effective strategies to be successful in science and other university content courses. She is the proud mother of one son and one daughter, a host of Godchildren, students and mentees.
Research Interests
Her research interests are for the Training Future Scientist Program (TFS) to provide authentic science instruction to the underrepresented students in grades K-5 in Muncie, IN by science pre-service teachers in SCI 397 and to provide professional development opportunities for Muncie teachers to enhance their ability to teach science in elementary and secondary classrooms and foster positive relationships with new teachers and veteran teachers.

In our research:
- The K-5 students that participate in the TFS program science content knowledge will increase and continue to increase with each semester they participate in the program.
- The elementary pre-service teachers science pedagogical content knowledge will increase after participating in the practicum experience.

- The professional development program designed for pre-service teachers and veteran teachers to work together to develop 5E Lesson Plans will foster positive relationships between the new teachers and veteran teachers to increase both teachers confidence and competency in teaching science in their classrooms.
Spring 2018 Science Practicum Video
Andrisse S, Patel GD, Chen JE, Webber AM, Spears LD, Koehler RM, Robinson- Hill RM, Ching JK, Jeong I, and Fisher JS. ATM and GLUT1-S490 Phosphorylation regulate GLUT1 mediated transport in skeletal muscle. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66027, 2013.
Robinson-Hill RM. The Journey of a science teacher: Preparing female students in the training future scientist after-school program. University of Missouri St. Louis, MO. Manuscript submitted to CADASE, pending acceptance. May 2015.
Robinson-Hill RM. At Home with Mrs. Hill, My Secrets to Success. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Negro Education special issue on Black women and girls December 2015.