Teacher-Scholar Program supports first-time student researchers one time during their degree plan. Other research opportunities beyond the Teacher-Scholar Program can be found here.
Apply to be a Student Researcher

Apply to be a Student Researcher

  • Step 1: Click here to read about Teacher-Scholar mentors and their projects.

    You may find it beneficial to also look for a mentor outside of your degree area. For example, you might be in a degree program in College of Communication, Information, and Media and there may be a mentor doing research involving cameras in a field you are not expecting, such as, biology. Look at the expected skill-sets – many times, you will see the mentors are interested in working with someone who has your skills, even if they are not in your degree area.

  • Step 2: Choose one mentor from the list whose research/project interests you.

  • Step 3: Write an email to your chosen mentor. A few sample emails can be found here (PDF).

  • Step 4: The mentor may want to meet with you. Here are some tips (PDF) to prepare for the meeting.

    Mentors are busy, here is some advice (PDF), if you don’t hear from them in a week. Several students may contact a mentor at the same time, and the mentor may not be able to accept all students. So, if your first choice does not work out, don’t give-up. It is perfectly normal. Go to Step 1 and chose a different mentor.

  • Step 5: If you and your chosen mentor mutually agree to work together. Submit the application for the Teacher-Scholar Program Student Researcher via InfoReady.

  • Step 6: You will be notified via email if you are accepted into the program - so check your email regularly!

  • Step 7: AFTER ACCEPTANCE: For you to receive the stipend, your mentor’s department will enter a Student Hiring Compliance Form for you to determine your employment verification status (If you have not verified your employment at BSU, you should receive an email from the Career Center with your next steps).   EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION: Prior to working on campus, you will need to complete the employment verification process through the Career Center. Please visit the On-Campus Student Information page for useful information and forms to complete for both U.S. Citizens and International Students. There are several acceptable documents you may need to bring from home to provide at the Career Center for your I-9 Form (please note, you would need originals, not copies, of these documents – Acceptable Forms of Identification Video – start watching at “Have your paperwork”). For questions on employment verification, please contact the Career Center.

Due Dates

  • Fall (5th Monday of the semester)
  • Spring (4th Monday of the semester)

Have questions? Contact view email.

We welcome faculty and staff across all disciplines, who conduct research or engage in creative endeavors, to apply to be a mentor within the Teacher-Scholar (TS) Program. A TS mentor can collaborate with two students per semester and up to four in an academic year.  A mentor receives $250 per student in their RIA account to cover travel, supplies and publication costs etc.


  • To support research and creative endeavors.
  • To provide the opportunity for an undergraduate student to gain experience and to build a professional network as a collaborator.
  • To reach students who may not have an opportunity to engage in this kind of experience previously.

Mentor Roles and Responsibilities:

Faculty or staff member will:

  • commit to working with their student researcher for a semester on an ongoing research or a creative project within their scholarly agenda in-person or remotely in the fall, spring, or summer semesters.
  • meet one-on-one remotely and/or in person for approximately 1 hour a week (student commits to a total of 5 hours a week on the project).
  • collaborate with their student researcher on a project with clear expectations and outcomes that are achievable within this time commitment.

Apply to be a Teacher-Scholar Mentor

  • Step 1: Submit your Teacher-Scholar Mentor application available via InfoReady.

    Please keep in mind the target audience for your summaries –who will be the first and second-year students and transfer students in their first years. Therefore, please be succinct and avoid jargon that these students may not be familiar with.

  • Step 2: When your application is approved, your name and summary will be displayed on this website.

  • Step 3: Students will contact you after reading your research summary or we will help connect a student with you whose interests align with your research. 

    If you have a student in your class who meets the eligibility requirements and is interested in working with you, feel free to encourage them to apply for this opportunity.

  • Step 4: Schedule a meeting with the prospective student researcher.

  • Step 5: If you and the student mutually agree to work together. The student will apply to be a researcher under your direction.

  • Step 6: You will be notified via email if your student is accepted into the program.

Due Date: Applications are accepted on a rolling deadline.

Have questions? Contact view email.