Research Integrity can assist you in determining where you should send your research proposal.

IRB/Human Subjects review platform

After end of business hours January 17th, 2025, we will no longer be accepting modifications on previously submitted and reviewed projects through IRBNet. Please submit all future modifications through the IRB Cayuse Human Ethics (HE) system. For more information on how to submit a modification through the new system, please watch "Modifying an IRBNet approved study in Cayuse HE".

Starting January 6, 2025, all IRB submissions will be made in Cayuse Human Ethics (HE). For modifications and renewals to previously approved studies in IRBNet, you will resubmit to Cayuse HE by re-entering the study information in completion. You will not need to enter already approved protocols into Cayuse HE unless you are modifying them or submitting them for renewal/continuing review. Please be sure to download and save all your IRBNet applications/materials/approval letters.

Cayuse HE (IRB) trainings, tutorial videos, and guides will start to be available mid-November 2024. Topics will include new study protocols, modifications, and renewals and can be found here. Should you have any questions regarding the new Cayuse HE (IRB) review platform, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Tagler, ( our Human Ethics (IRB) Ambassador, for more information and/or to schedule a consultation. 

For generalized Cayuse HE
 (IRB) resources, please click here

You will also need to complete appropriate training via CITI Program or other online training modules if your research involves:

Help for First-Time Submitters 

The Office of Research Integrity has a Peer Mentor Program, which gives researchers one-on-one assistance in preparing and submitting their proposals. Guidance from the Peer Mentors can significantly speed up your approval process!

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Research integrity at 765-285-5052 or View Email.

IRBNet Info

Researchers submitting proposals to the IRB, IACUC, and IBC use the online program IRBNet until January 6, 2025. 

The Office of Research Integrity has developed an IRBNet User Manual and guidance information (below) to help researchers.

Before you submit your research proposal, be sure to review the human subjects checklist, the animal research checklist, or the biological research checklist, whichever is appropriate to your proposal.

IRBNet Guidance

  • My Projects: Lists all projects you have created, enter one by selecting it from list.
  • Create New Project: Allows you to create a new project.

The following links are seen only when you have entered a specific project:

  • Project Overview: Summarizes the selected project, displays status, documents, allows you to submit the package for review, and share with other IRBNet users.
  • Designer: This page contains two steps.  Step 1 lists a document library. Step 2 allows you to upload your documents. This is called “Assemble your document package.” This means you are putting your proposal together.
  • Share this Project: Allows you to share your project with other researchers.
  • Sign this Package: All packages must be signed before submission
  • Submit this Package: After signing, submit, and be sure to submit to the proper committee, there are four options for Ball State: IACUC, IBC, IRB, and ASPiRE, if you select the wrong committee, you will need to resubmit your entire package.
  • Delete this Package: If you want to remove the package completely, this cannot be undone.
  • Send Project Mail: Allows you to send an email between members of the project team.
  • Project History: Lists the Project History of this project.
  • Forms and Templates: The same documents as exist in the document library under the “Designer” page, Ball State has four drop downs, ASPiRE, IACUC, IRB, and IBC.

Please follow these steps to register on IRBNet:

  • Go to
  • Click on “New User Registration,” in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Select a username and password, these do not have to be the same as your Ball State username and password. 
  • Click “Accept” on “Acceptance of Terms.”
  • Affiliate with Ball State University and click Continue.
  • Enter your telephone number and email address and click the Register.
  • You will receive an email from IRBNet that will allow you to complete the registration process.

Please follow these steps to submit a new study on IRBNet.

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Click “Create New Project,” located on the left side of the page.
  • Enter project title and the first and last name of the principal investigator.
  • After entering this information, you will be taken to the “Designer” page. 
  • You can access the designer page by clicking on “Designer” under the heading “Project Administration,” located on the left side of the page.
  • Under “Step 2,” click on “Add New Document” to upload files.  Putting together your project in this way is called “assembling your document package.”

For a New Study You Need to Upload the Following Documents


  • Animal Teaching Protocol Form, Animal Breeding Colony Application Form, Laboratory Animal Research Protocol Application Form, and/or Non-Laboratory/Field Animal Protocol Form (depending on your research project, you may need to submit one or more of these documents).


  • IRBNet smart Wizard form.
  • Any and all relevant project documents: Informed Consent documents; Parental Permission forms; Surveys; Recruitment Letters or E-mails; Introductory Scripts; Anything you will use in your study that will help the review committee understand your research topic and explains how you plan to conduct your research.


IBC Protocol Submission form.

After uploading all documents

  • To share your study with others involved in the project, click on “Share this Project.”  Select those users you wish to share your study with (if applicable).  
  • Next, click on “Sign this Package.” 
  • Your project is ready to be submitted to committee.  Click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study.  Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.  Highlight the committee and click "Continue." 
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “New Project.”
  • Click “Submit.”

If your project has been deferred, you will need to submit a revision package.

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Click on “My Projects” and select the project you want to modify.
  • Click on "Designer” located under the “Project Administration” section on the left side of the page or in the center of the page.
  • Click "Add New Document" to submit a revised document with requested changes. (Note: changes should be made according to the deferral letter sent to the IRBNet e-mail address you provided.)
  • Your project will be locked and you will be unable to edit documents that have already been submitted.
  • Click "Create New Package" to submit a revised version of the documents requested.
  • Create, complete, and submit the appropriate documents.
  • In the document type menu, select the most appropriate match for the document you are uploading.
  • If there is no match, select “other” from the menu.
  • Select the “choose file” tab to browse your computer for desired file (arrow).
  • Click the “Attach” button to upload the file to your package.
  • The reviewers will be interested in seeing the changes you made to your original proposal.
  • For minor changes, such as slight word changes, you may be able to highlight the new text you added to the original document.
  • For larger changes you will want to upload a separate document that describes the changes you made in your proposal.
  • Including both highlighted changes and a separate document helps to more fully explain how your project has changed in light of committee feedback.
  • Click on “Sign this Package,” on the left side of the page. Once at the Sign Package screen, indicate your project role (arrow) and click "Sign".
  • Your project is ready to be submitted to the committee, click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study.
  • Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.
  • Highlight the committee and click "Continue."
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “Revision," and then click "Submit."

To modify a current study, use the following instructions:

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Select the project you want to modify.
  • Click on “Project History,” located on the left side of the page.
  • Click on “Create New Package” button located on this page.
  • Click on “New Document Package.”
  • You are now on the Designer page to upload all necessary documents to submit a modification.

For Modifications, Upload the Following Documents

  • Modification Request Form
  • Any relevant project documents you need to modify, these could include: Informed Consent documents; Parental Permission forms; Surveys; Recruitment Letters or E-mails; Introductory scripts; Include anything you will use in your study that will help the review committee understand your research topic and explains how you plan to conduct your research.
  • Make sure all modifications are highlighted in your documents.  If you do not highlight, your study will not be reviewed.
  •  Click on “Sign this Project,” located on the left side of the page.
  • Your project is ready to be submitted to committee, click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study. Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.
  • Highlight the committee and click "Continue."
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “Amendment/Modification.”
  • Click “Submit.”

To submit a project for Continuing Review, use the following instructions:

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Select the project that needs the continuing review submission.
  • Click on "Project History," on the left side of the page.
  • Click on "Create New Package."
  • Click on "New Document Package."
  • You are now on the Designer page to upload all necessary documents to submit a continuing review.

For Continuing Review, Upload the Following Documents

  • Continuing Review Form
  • If you are making any modifications, you need to include the Modification Request Form and all necessary documents.
  • Be sure to highlight all modifications.

After All Necessary Documents Are Uploaded

  • Click on “Sign this Project,” located on the left side of the page.
  •  Your project is ready to be submitted to committee.  Click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study. Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.
  • Highlight the committee and click "Continue."
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “Continuing Review/Progress Report.”
  • Click “Submit.”

If an Adverse Event occurs, follow these steps:

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Select the project that needs the continuing review submission.
  • Click on "Project History," on the left side of the page.
  • Click on "Create New Package."
  • Click on "New Document Package."
  • You are now on the Designer page to upload all necessary documents to submit an adverse event.

For Reporting Adverse Events, Upload These Documents

  • Adverse Event/Unanticipated Problem Reporting Form.

After you have submitted all of the necessary documents

  • Click on “Sign this Project,” located on the left side of the page.
  • Your project is ready to be submitted to committee, click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study.  
  • Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.
  • Highlight the committee and click "Continue." 
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “Adverse Event”
  • Click “Submit.”

To close a study, use the following instructions:

  • Use your username and password to sign in to IRBNet.
  • Select the project that will be closed.
  • Click on "Project History," on the left side of the page.
  • Click on "Create New Package."
  • Click on "New Document Package."
  • You are now on the Designer page to upload all necessary documents to submit the Final Report form.

For Closing A Study You Need to Upload the Following Documents

  • Final Report Form.

After uploading all necessary documents

  • Click on “Sign this Project,” located on the left side of the page.
  • If you shared the project previously with an adviser, the adviser and you will be notified of your signature through an email from IRBNet.
  • If you are a student, you must wait to receive additional notification that your adviser has signed the project before continuing to step 8.
  • Click on “Submit this Package.”
  • Select the proper committee to review the study. Ball State University has four listed: ASPiRE, IACUC, IBC, and IRB.
  • Highlight the committee and click "Continue."
  • Select your “Submission Type,” and choose “Closure/Final Report.”
  • Click “Submit.”

If you are working with human subjects (IRB) or animals (IACUC) you need to complete CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Institute) prior to submitting proposals. This training raises awareness about several issues you may need to consider during your research project.

CITI Training is a series of online modules, followed by brief quizzes after each section. You must receive a passing score (at least 80%) for each module quiz. You can always return to this "Select Curriculum" page at a later date and take additional courses.

The web site for CITI Training is

For More Information

Read the CITI Program User Manual.

Accessing and Registering on the CITI Website

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Register Here."
  3. There are seven registration steps. Select Ball State University as the "Participating Institutions." Your username does not have to match your Ball State username and password. If you are earning CME/CEU credits by taking CITI Training be sure to check yes on Step 6.
  4. The next page asks you to enter your institutional email address, department, and role in research. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
  5. Next you will “Select Curriculum” (See below). You can return to this page at a later date to take additional courses.
  6. After selecting your curriculum, you will go to the Main Menu. To get started, look under "Status" and click on the red "Enter."
  7. You will go to the "Required Modules" page. Start with the "Integrity Assurance Statement" and continue through the modules. You do not have to complete the modules in order. You must pass all modules with an overall score of 80%. You can complete module quizzes as many times as necessary.  When all modules are passed, you may print your completion report through the link "Print" in the Learner's Menu.
  8. If you need to select more modules to take, click on "Add a course or update your learner groups."

Choosing Your Curriculum

If You Are Working with Human Subjects

  • Select "Social and Behavioral Research Investigators" or "Biomedical Research Investigators" under "Question 1."
  • Please choose the course that best matches your discipline.
  • Please note either course fulfills the required training component.

If You Are Working with Animals

  • Select from the options in "Question 2."
  • Please note you will need to take the "PIs, Co-PIs and Faculty Researchers (ACU)" plus any other relevant modules covering the species you will be working with. 

If You Are Planning on Applying for NSF Funding

  • You will need to address "Question 3" and take the "Responsible Conduct of Research" course that best matches your discipline.

  • Most researchers will want to take the Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course. Please call our office if you are unsure about which course you need to enroll in.

  • This course is an additional course to any you may need to take if you are working with humans or animals.

If You Are a Member of a Review Committee at Ball State University

You will need to take the following courses that are applicable to your committee:

  • IRB Members
  • IACUC Members and Staff
  • RCR For Administrators & Chairs
  • NIH Guidelines (for IBC Members)

Why is the training required?

Ball State University policy, effective January 1, 2010 (IRB) and September 1, 2010 (IACUC), requires all researchers and research team members submitting to either the IRB or IACUC complete an approved educational training. Ball State University has contracted with CITI to provide this training in fulfillment of this requirement. Per Section IV-B-1-h of the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, all research participants listed in an IBC protocol must complete the online NIH Guidelines training.

Who must take CITI training?

All personnel listed on a Ball State University research project (i.e. Principal Investigator, Faculty Advisor, Key Personnel) must complete the CITI training prior to approval for studies.

How often must I take CITI training?

CITI training will expire after three years. Your CITI training must have been completed within the last three years in order for you to be approved for research at Ball State University. When your training expires, you can take the Basic/Refresher course in the applicable section.

Is CITI training required if I received CITI certification at another institution?

Not necessarily. First, you will need to affiliate with Ball State University through the CITI web site. The Director of Research Integrity will evaluate if the training you've obtained is consistent with the requirements of Ball State University.

How long does it take to complete the training?

Most users can complete the training in a few hours.

Do I have to take the training all at once?

You may start and stop at any point. Just remember your username and password so you can log back into the training. You can complete additional learner groups in the future too.

What is a passing score?

A passing score of at least 80% is required for each module.

What do I do if I forget my username and password?

Instructions on how to retrieve your username and password can be found on the CITI website.

How do I obtain my certificate of completion?

After you finish the required modules, you will be issued a completion report. The report can be printed from the Learner's Menu.

Do I need to submit my certificate of completion to the IRB or the IACUC?

Yes. The IRB or the IACUC is notified when you complete the training. To increase processing speed of your protocol, please upload a copy of your certificate of completion to IRBNet as part of your protocol submission.

Who can I contact if I have questions or problems?

Please contact the Office of Research Integrity with questions pertaining to Ball State University. For questions about the CITI web site, please contact CITI.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a peer-review committee charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights and welfare of humans involved in research.

Learn more.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Ball State University reviews all projects using animals in research to ensure research is conducted in accordance with Ball State University policy and with applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Learn more.

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) at Ball State University reviews all projects involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, Select Agents including “excluded attenuated Select Agent strains,” or any use of biological materials assessed as Risk Group 2.

Learn more.

Office of Research Integrity Diversity Plan

The Office of Research integrity strongly supports the creation of a diverse university workforce and support for a diverse university research community. Read our diversity plan.