Ball State Student Activity Fees provide financial support for co-curricular engagement opportunities for all students.

Portions of the Student Organization Fund (SOF) are made available to recognized student organizations in accordance with the fund’s policy.

Funds may be used for activities, programs, resources, services, or events that enhance the cultural, recreational, social, and/or intellectual life of the University.

Funds will be awarded in a viewpoint-neutral manner through the allocation process.

Any recognized student organization that wants to plan activities, programs, resource, services, and events using the fund may submit a request.


Student Organizations are strongly encouraged to review the Student Organization Fund Allocation Policy (PDF) before submitting a Student Activities Budget Request Form.

Read Policy (PDF)

Funding Periods

Student organizations are eligible to submit funding requests at various points through the year.

Follow these guidelines to request funding to support programs and activities during mid Fall 2024 semester or Spring 2025 semester.


  • budget request form and application form – MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 - application and budget must be received by 11:59pm
  • notification of student organization fund allocation committee decision – MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024
  • funding decision appeal – MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2024

Expense Template

As part of the process, student organizations need to submit a budget request for anticipated programs and project expenses.

You must use our Budget Request Form template (linked below) to document anticipated programs and project expenses. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review requests that use the required template in Excel format. Download the template below and save it to your computer in Excel format. After you complete the Budget Request Form template with your organization's activity information, you will upload the completed budget template in Excel format to the Student Activities Application Form in the next section.

Download Budget Request FORM Template

How to Submit

The Student Activities Application Form must be completed using the link below, and it is to the application form that you will upload the organization's Budget Request Form. Completed budget requests forms will only be accepted by uploading them to the application form below. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review application forms and budget request forms for the Fall Funding Round after the September 9, 2024 application deadline.


Follow these guidelines to request funding to support programs and activities during the mid to late Spring 2025 semester.


  • budget request form and application form – MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 - application must be received by 11:59pm
  • notification of student organization fund allocation committee decision – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025
  • funding decision appeal – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2025

Expense Template

As part of the process, student organizations need to submit a budget request for anticipated programs and project expenses.

You must use our Budget Request Form template (link will be added below) to document anticipated programs and project expenses. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review requests that use the required template in Excel format. Download the template below and save it to your computer in Excel format. After you complete the Budget Request Form template with your organization's activity information, you will upload the completed budget template in Excel format to the Student Activities Application Form in the next section.


How to Submit

The Student Activities Application Form must be completed using the link below, and it is to the application form that you will upload the organization's Budget Request Form. Completed budget request forms will only be accepted by uploading them to the application link below. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review application forms and budget request forms for the Spring Funding Round after the January 27, 2025 application deadline.


Follow these guidelines to request funding to support programs and activities during the 2025-2026 academic year.


  • budget request form and application form – MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2025 - application must be received by 11:59pm
  • notification of student organization fund allocation committee decision – MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2025
  • funding decision appeal – MONDAY, MAY 5, 2025

Expense Template

As part of the process, student organizations need to submit a budget request for anticipated programs and project expenses.

You must use our Budget Request Form template (linked below) to document anticipated programs and project expenses. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review requests that use the required template. Download the template below and save it to your computer in Excel format. After you complete the Budget Request Form template with your organization's activity information, you will upload the completed budget template in Excel format to the Student Activities Application Form in the next section.


How to Submit

The Student Activities Application Form must be completed using the link below, and it is to the application form that you will upload the organization's Budget Request Form in Excel format. Completed budget requests forms will only be accepted by uploading them to the application form below. The Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee will only review application forms and budget request forms after the April 7, 2025 application deadline.


Student organizations that received 2024-2025 funding may request additional funding if they have an emergency and unanticipated expense associated with a program or event during the current academic year.


  • Deadline to be determined

After reviewing the emergency deadlines above, complete an application and choose Emergency or Unanticipated Funding. Student Organization Fund Allocation Committee decisions for monthly and unanticipated fund requests will be shared within 2-3 weeks of the stated deadlines. The appeal deadline will be shared in each decision letter.

Expense Reports

Student organizations who have already been allocated funds from the Student Organization Fund Allocations Committee must show proof of spending by submitting an expense report to the Office of Student Life within 10 business days of the event, activity, program, resource, travel, or operational event. 

The Expense Report is comprised of three separate sections:

  • Organization Information
  • Activity Information 
  • Expense Information (anticipated/estimated and final expenses)

Each section should be completed before the report is submitted. 


Reallocation of Funds

In some instances, an organization has been allocated funds for an event and that event is unable to take place. If an organization is in need of a reallocation of the funds awarded, complete the Reallocation of Funds form. Funds can only be reallocated toward events taking place in the same academic year as funds originally awarded. 



Questions about the Student Organization Fund Allocation Policy or the Funding Periods can be directed to us by email.

Email Us