Are you interested in starting a student organization that isn't currently active at Ball State?

The process to start a student organization involves three steps.

1. Attend a New Student Organization Workshop to learn more about the process of becoming recognized.

Groups interested in becoming recognized are required to have a student member attend a workshop as their first step. Workshops for 2023-2024 will be held in person.

To sign up to attend a workshop and learn the dates of the workshops, sign into Benny Link and click the New Student Organization Workshop link on the homepage.

2. Complete the “Intent To Organize” information on Benny Link and upload a constitution.

Once you attend a workshop, a link will be sent to you to complete the “Intent To Organize” information and upload a constitution, as well as sign up to attend a Student Activities Committee meeting.

3. Attend a Student Activities Committee meeting to briefly discuss the organization's purpose and answer questions.

The committee convenes once a month during September, October, November, January, February, March and April. Committee meetings for 2023-2024 will be held virtually.

All new organizations requesting recognition from the Office of Student Life will need:

  • contact information for your officers and your advisor
  • contact information for your inter/national headquarters (if a chapter of a national organization)
  • an electronic copy of your constitution and any other necessary documents, are required to complete registration (Please use the “Sample Constitution” on our website as a template for your organization's Constitution)
  • the contact information of your initial roster (including emails) to list in the membership section

4. Meet with Benny Link Ambassador for training on the system and have an organization page created for the new organization.

Learn how to post organization events on Benny Link or promote an organization event message through the Ball State Communications Center, invite students to become club members, update the membership roster, and upload photos or documents to your organization page.


Please email Stacey Myers.