Do you need help paying for your graduate work in the Department of Psychological Science? Are you interested in working closely with faculty while gaining hands-on experience in your field? Our department is committed to providing practical opportunities for both professional and personal growth through graduate assistantships.

Compensation and Benefits

Graduate Assistants in the Department of Psychological Science receive:

  • a stipend (currently $9,480 for the academic year)
  • a majority waiver of tuition (you are still required to pay about $1,500 each semester for remaining tuition costs and several university fees)

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • work 20 hours
  • assist faculty with teaching, research, and/or administrative duties

How to Apply

Apply easily by checking the assistantship box when you apply to one of our graduate programs.

We offer assistantships to the top students on our ranked admissions list.

McNair Scholars can apply for McNair assistantships, which have the same duties and benefits as other departmental assistantships.

We'll let you know if you receive an assistantship when we contact you about admission.

Other Assistantships

If you are admitted to one of our programs, but not offered an assistantship in our department, we will provide you with information about other assistantship opportunities on campus. Most students who want an assistantship are able to obtain one. Throughout the university, assistantships have similar duties and benefits.

Paying for Your Education