You must be a graduate of an accredited high school or have earned a high school equivalency diploma (TASC or GED). To qualify for admission, you must have a high school GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Minimum GED scores: Passing Score/Passing Score with Honors of at least 150-200.
Minimum scores if you took the GED before 2014:
- Standard Average score of at least 520 (or 52 for tests prior to 2002)
- Writing Skills score of at least 500 (or 50 for tests prior to 2002)
- Mathematics score of at least 500 (or 50 for tests prior to 2002)
- minimum score of 450 (or 45 for tests prior to 2002) in each of the remaining sections
Minimum TASC scores:
- score of 500 on each subject test (language arts, math, social studies, writing)
- score of at least 2/8 on writing prompt