About the Ensemble

The Ball State New Music Ensemble mostly performs music of the past 50 years, including works by current composition students and faculty. We also perform at Ball State’s annual Festival of New Music, a three-day professional series of new music concerts, featuring a visiting composer.

Students learn to perform from graphic and other aleatoric scores, use extended techniques, and sometimes perform in unconventional ways, which supplements their more traditional studies, and prepares them for some of the many performance opportunities that they may encounter after graduation.

This ensemble counts as a large ensemble requirement for composition majors, whom we especially encourage to join.

You need to receive permission from the instructor to join.

Student and instructor sit at the piano reading music

Amelia Kaplan

associate professor of music composition

Rehearsal Information


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
10-10:50 a.m.


Music Instruction Building (MI), Choral Hall, rooms 152 and 229 (locations are subject to change)

Course Numbers

  • MUSC 340, section 2E (1 credit)
  • MUSC 140, section 2E (0 credit)