Peterman JE, MP Harber, BS Fleenor, MH Whaley, CG Araujo, LA Kaminsky. Cardiorespiratory optimal point is a submaximal exercise test variable and a predictor of mortality risk: The Ball State Adult Fitness Longitudinal Lifestyle Study (BALL ST). J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. Nov 1;42(6)E90-96, 2022.
Peterman JE, R Arena, J Myers, PA Ades, AR Bonikowske, MP Harber, S Marzolini, PD Savage, RW Squires, CJ Lavie, LA Kaminsky. A nonexercised prediction of peak oxygen uptake for patients with cardiovascular disease: data from the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise International Database (FRIEND). J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. epub Sep 22, 2022.
Rodriguez JC, JE Peterman, BS Fleenor, MH Whaley, LA Kaminsky, MP Harber. Cardiopulmonary exercise responses in individuals with metabolic syndrome: The Ball State Adult Fitness Longitudinal Lifestyle Study. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. Sep; 20(7):414-420, 2022.
Peterman JE, R Arena, J Myers, MP Harber, AR Bonikowske, RW Squires, LA Kaminsky. Reference standards for peak rating of perceived exertion during cardiopulmonary exercise testing: data from FRIEND. Med Sci Sports Exerc. epub Aug 12, 2022.
Sumy MSA, M Begum, MP Harber, WH Finch, MYA Park, B Fleenor, MH Whaley, JE Peterman, LA Kaminsky. Subgroup identification with classification and regression tree-based algorithms: an application to the Ball State Adult Fitness Longitudinal Lifestyle Study. Bull Malays Math Sci Soc. epub June 10, 2022.
Smith BE, JE Peterman, MP Harber, MT Imboden, BS Fleenor, LA Kaminsky, MH Whaley. Change in metabolic syndrome and cardiorespiratory fitness following exercise training – The Ball State Adult Fitness Longitudinal Lifestyle Study (BALL ST). Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. May 20;15:1553-1562, 2022.
Myers J, MP Harber, L Johnson, R Arena, LA Kaminsky. Current state of unhealthy living characteristics in White, African American and Latinx populations. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Mar-Apr;71:20-26, 2022.
Fleenor BS, NA Carlini, A Ouyang, and MP Harber. Perivascular adipose tissue-mediated arterial stiffening in aging and disease: An emerging translational therapeutic target? Pharmacol Res. Apr;178:106150, 2022.