Ball State’s minor in professional writing prepares you in the genres, styles, and communication practices essential for the contemporary, digital workplace.
With its focus on collaborative writing, problem-solving, real-world audiences, and document design, the minor complements any major and helps you develop vital professional practices.
The minor culminates with a professional portfolio website you can use in the job market or in applications to graduate school.
What You Will Learn
You’ll learn how to:
- design and develop a variety of common documents
- tell the difference between HTML and CSS
- use software like Photoshop
- determine why things like typography, lines, and grids matter to organizational image and identity
- look at coding as writing and writing as coding
- strategize use of social media in professional settings
Minor Requirements
Total credits: 15
A minor in professional writing emphasizes the understanding of the fundamentals of digital literacy; editing, style, and publishing, reading and writing public discourse, and more.
For a complete list of all classes you may take and their descriptions, please see the Course Catalog.
View Catalog
How to Enroll
Students interested in the minor in linguistics and global communication should complete a "change of major or minor" form. This form is available in the Academic Advising Center (AC 224).