Ball State University's 2007 Greening of the Campus conference is the seventh in a series dating from 1996. The theme for next fall's event — "Partnering for Sustainability: Enabling a Diverse Future" — simultaneously highlights two desirable approaches to sustainability.

2007 Keynote Speakers

  • Eban Goodstein
    Eban Goodstein is project director for Focus the Nation and professor of economics at Lewis and Clark College. His research focuses on the economics of global climate change, and he is the author of a college textbook on economics and the environment. He serves on the editorial board of Environment, Workplace, and Employment and the steering committee of the Center for the Applied Study of Economics and the Environment. He also is a member scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform. Eban Goodstein Biography
  • Chris O'Brien
    Chris O'Brien is director of the Responsible Purchasing Network at the Center for a New American Dream. His career focuses on using the power of the marketplace to create a more just and sustainable society. He has promoted corporate responsibility as director of the Co-op America Business Network and the Fair Trade Federation, and he is part owner of Seven Bridges Cooperative, the world's only supplier of all-organic, fair-trade home brewing and home coffee-roasting supplies. Chris O'Brien Biography
  • David Orr
    David Orr is a distinguished professor and chair of the environmental studies program at Oberlin College, where he led the effort to design and build the acclaimed Environmental Studies Center. His work on ecological design and environmental literacy in higher education has earned him national awards. He also is a professor at the University of Vermont and a board member for the Rocky Mountain Institute, the Center for Ecoliteracy, and the Center for Respect of Life and Environment. David Orr Biography
  • Debra Rowe
    Debra Rowe is a professor of sustainable energies and behavioral sciences at Oakland Community College and founder/director of the Environmental Solutions Center. She is president of the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development, co-chair of the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium, senior advisor of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, and senior fellow of the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future. Debra Rowe Biography
  • Michael Shuman
    Michael Shuman is vice president for enterprise development at the Training and Development Corporation in Maine and the author of Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in the Global Age. Through his nonprofit Green Policy Institute, he has been promoting his book's concepts through a variety of projects around the world. An attorney and economist, he has written many articles on community economics, federalism, foreign policy, and philanthropy for national periodicals. Michael Shuman Biography
  • DorcetaTaylor
    Dorceta Taylor is program director for the Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative at the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment, which hosted the National Summit on Diversity in the Environmental Field. She is an associate professor of environmental sociology and Afro-American and African Studies, and a board member of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies' Leadership Council. Dorceta Taylor Biography

GOC 2007 Abstracts

  • For a PDF file containing abstracts of accepted papers organized by both title and author, please download the following file: BSU GOC 7 Conference Abstracts