Broken parking meters or garage pay stations must be reported to the Office of Parking Services immediately by calling 765-285-1208 or 765-285-1111.

The meter or pay station will be checked for malfunction by a parking technician. Any tickets issued prior to notification of malfunction to the Office of Parking Services will not be cleared. Tickets issued at meters found to be functioning properly will be valid.

The Office of Parking Services will not reimburse money for excess time on a meter.

Parking Meters

If a parking meter is flashing "Fail" when you pull into the space, do not park there. You should find another meter that is functioning properly. Report the malfunctioning meter to the Office of Parking Services immediately.

Garage Pay Stations

Parking garages R6 (Emens Parking Garage) and R7 (McKinley Parking Garage) have four pay stations each. If the pay station that you are at does not work, report it to the Office of Parking Services and make your payment at one of the other pay stations. Failure to pay for parking because a pay station is not working does not excuse you from being issued a citation.

Parking garage R8 (Student Center Structure) only has one pay station. If this station is not working, come to the Office of Parking Services to pay for your space. We will issue you a pre-paid permit for the parking garage. You will need to bring your driver's license and know your license plate number. Failure to pay for parking because a pay station is not working does not excuse you from being issued a citation.

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