Funding Your Immersive Learning Class 

Some immersive learning courses will need funding to eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for students or to make a bigger impact within the community. In those cases, the following funding sources at Ball State and beyond can help.

Two students converse in a hallway

Provost Immersive Learning Pilot Grant 

Our pilot (one-year) grant is for Ball State faculty teaching an Immersive Learning course. The typical award is $5000-20,000. Applications are accepted in September and January. More details are here.

Provost Immersive Learning Sustained Grant 

Faculty who receive the Provost Immersive Learning Pilot Grant are eligible to apply for the Provost Immersive Learning Sustained Grant, which provides three additional years of funding for an immersive learning course and requires a commitment from the department to support the course at the end of the granting period. A typical sustained grant is $15,000-50,000. Applications are due for the sustained grant each January. Read more here.

Women of Beneficence Grant 

This grant (up to $30,000) for Ball State faculty funds “innovative projects and programs at Ball State University – impacting students and benefiting our local, national, and international communities. Women of Beneficence is seeking projects or programs in line with Ball State University's Beneficence Pledge and will contribute to the University's aspiration of being a model student-centered and community engaged university.” Applications due in December. Program details here.

Community-Engaged Alliance High-Impact Practice Grant 

This award ($4000) for community-engaged teaching, “supports the development and implementation of practices that strengthen community-campus partnerships, these projects aim to deepen student learning and development as a means of preparing the next generation of civic-minded leaders.” Rolling applications. Go to their website for more information. 

Have Questions?

Contact the Immersive Learning office so we can help at or use this form.