Administrative Services is responsible for the management of financial, business and information systems for facility operations. Departmental effectiveness and assessment are coordinated by the work control center and data management analysis.    

Areas of responsibility include:

  • WebTMA online service request system and reception
  • Customer relations
  • Budgeting and procurement of materials and services
  • Managing operational budgets
  • Financial reports and analysis
  • Departmental human relations and labor relations
  • Maintenance program management
  • Project cost accounting and customer billing
  • Payroll Operations, time and leave reporting
  • Computer and software management
  • Facilities inventory and space utilization
  • Space Requisition (PDF) and assignments for non-academic space
  • FPM Procurement and Inventory

WebTMA Work Control

How do I check the status of a work order?

To check the status of a submitted work order, visit the Work Control Online webpage. If you are unable to find the status of your work order online, contact the work control center at 285-5081 during normal working hours or email

Submit a service request online, 24-hours a day
Have an emergency? Call 5-5081 (on campus)

NOTES: You will need to enable pop-up windows in order to access WebTMA. If you are having problems viewing WebTMA request forms, please use Chrome or FireFox. To receive status updates for requests, add to your Outlook safe senders list.

Request Types

Facilities Service Level Agreement

Need a dorm room repair?
Requests for work in a Housing and Residence Life or University Apartment building, are submitted through Housing and Residence Life.

Equipment Move or Borrowing Request?

All requests for borrowing or moving Ball State equipment are handled through Purchasing Services.

Customer Billing

Chargeable Services

Upgrade, repair or maintenance of equipment, furnishings, and utilities specific to departments is considered a chargeable service. Event setups requiring overtime and work that falls outside the regular maintenance plan are also considered chargeable services. Chargeable services must be paid by the requesting department.

Method of Charging

Chargeable services are processed monthly by Facilities Planning & Management through the university's accounting system. A copy of the charges is sent to the budgetary unit head immediately following the close of the monthly accounting cycle. Services are charged as they are incurred which may result in some services being charged over a two- or three-month period.

For questions on chargeable services or individual charges, email